53,60 EUR 0,40 (+0,75%)
Bid 53,60 EUR
Ask 53,80 EUR



Die Flughafen Wien AG ist für die Errichtung und den Betrieb aller für den Flugbetrieb des Vienna Airports notwendigen Infrastrukturen verantwortlich. Das Unternehmen ist Entwickler, Errichter und Komplettbetreiber des Flughafens sowie Anbieter aller damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Dienstleistungen. Der Flughafen Wien ist einer der wichtigsten Ost-West-Transferflughafen Europas.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2024 02:00
stockholderStructure: Airports Group Europe S.à r.l. (43.4%),Province of Lower Austria (20%),City of Vienna (20%),Employee participation private foundation (10%),Free float (6.6%)
sharesOutstanding: 83874681.0000
board: Günther Ofner, Julian Jäger
supervisoryBoard: Ewald Kirschner, Susanne Höllinger, Lars Bespolka, Karin Zipperer, Herbert Paierl, Karin Rest, Gerhard Starsich, Manfred Pernsteiner, Boris Schucht, Sonja Steßl, Thomas Schäffer, Herbert Frank, Thomas Faulhuber, David John, Heinz Strauby
countryID: 1
freeFloat: 10.2000
faceValue: 1.8175
faceValueCurrencyID: 1
faceValueCurrency: EUR
sectorName: Transport
industryName: Industrie
subsectorName: Transportinfrastruktur
country: Österreich
countryName: Österreich


name: Bernd Maurer
phone: +43-1-7007-23126
irWebSite: https://www.viennaairport.com/en/company/investor_relations


street: Flughafen Wien A-1300
city: A-1300 Wien Flughafen
phone: +43-1-7007-0
fax: +43-1-7007-23806
webSite: www.viennaairport.com
email: investor-relations@viennaairport.com

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 123.6000
balanceSheetTotal: 2073.8000 liabilities: 759.3000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1210.0000 sales: 407.0000
bankLoans: 154.1000 investment: 2.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 9.5000 netIncome: 3.7000
cashFlow: -49.5000 employees: 4376
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022 cash: 105.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 2224.9000 liabilities: 776.5000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1323.6000 sales: 692.7000
investment: 4.4000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 157.9000
netIncome: 107.9000 employees: 6575
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023 cash: 31.9000
balanceSheetTotal: 2194.3500 liabilities: 345.3700
totalShareholdersEquity: 1422.5600 sales: 931.5400
investment: 15.8500 incomeBeforeTaxes: 257.6900
netIncome: 168.4300 employees: 7131
currencyID: 1 units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 123.6000
balanceSheetTotal: 2073.8000
liabilities: 759.3000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1210.0000
sales: 407.0000
bankLoans: 154.1000
investment: 2.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 9.5000
netIncome: 3.7000
cashFlow: -49.5000
employees: 4376
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2022
cash: 105.2000
balanceSheetTotal: 2224.9000
liabilities: 776.5000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1323.6000
sales: 692.7000
investment: 4.4000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 157.9000
netIncome: 107.9000
employees: 6575
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR
year: 2023
cash: 31.9000
balanceSheetTotal: 2194.3500
liabilities: 345.3700
totalShareholdersEquity: 1422.5600
sales: 931.5400
investment: 15.8500
incomeBeforeTaxes: 257.6900
netIncome: 168.4300
employees: 7131
currencyID: 1
units: 1000000
currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 2224.9000 cash: 105.2000
currentAssets: 537.0000 fixedAssets: 1687.9000
liabilities: 293.5000 nonCurrentLiabilities: 483.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 2224.9000 provisions: 270.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1323.6000 employees: 6575
property: 1339.2000 intangibleAssets: 159.2000
longTermInvestments: 181.3000 inventories: 7.3000
accountsReceivable: 399.0000 accountsPayable: 35.3000
liabilitiesTotal: 776.5000 longTermDebt: 254.8000
shortTermDebt: 25.0000 minorityInterests: 124.9000
sales: 692.7000 depreciation: 131.1000
netIncome: 107.9000 operatingResult: 711.5000
incomeInterest: -9.1000 incomeTaxes: 29.8000
costGoodsSold: 316.8000 grossProfit: 375.9000
minorityInterestsProfit: -20.2000 revenuePerEmployee: 105353.6122
cashFlow: 337.6000 cashFlowInvesting: -304.5000
cashFlowFinancing: -51.6000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 59.4903 debtEquityRatio: 68.0946
liquidityI: 35.8433 liquidityII: 171.7888
netMargin: 15.5767 grossMargin: 54.2659
cashFlowMargin: 48.7368 ebitMargin: 102.7140
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 11.9296
preTaxROA: 7.0969 roe: 8.1520
roa: 4.8497 netIncomeGrowth: 2816.2162
revenuesGrowth: 70.1966 taxExpenseRate: 18.8727
equityTurnover: 0.5233 epsBasic: 1.2900
epsBasicGrowth: 3125.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 157.9000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.0775 priceCashFlowRatio: 8.0372
dividendYield: 2.3802 bookValuePerShare: 15.7807
marketCap: 2713345930.3500 earningsYield: 3.9876
pegRatio: 0.0080 cashFlowPerShare: 4.0251
netAssetsPerShare: 17.2698 priceBookValueRatio: 2.0500
dividendsPerShare: 0.7700 priceEarningsRatio: 25.1469
netEarningsPerShare: 1.2864 currency: EUR
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 2194.3500 cash: 31.9000
currentAssets: 531.6800 fixedAssets: 1662.6700
liabilities: 345.3700 nonCurrentLiabilities: 292.5500
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 2194.3500 provisions: 383.0300
totalShareholdersEquity: 1422.5600 employees: 7131
property: 1324.2600 intangibleAssets: 156.2400
longTermInvestments: 173.8800 inventories: 7.6500
accountsReceivable: 450.0400 accountsPayable: 39.0100
liabilitiesTotal: 345.3700 longTermDebt: 55.2500
shortTermDebt: 93.0000 minorityInterests: 133.8600
sales: 931.5400 depreciation: 131.7500
netIncome: 168.4300 operatingResult: 261.8000
incomeInterest: 3.8300 incomeTaxes: 69.1200
costGoodsSold: 403.4400 grossProfit: 528.1000
minorityInterestsProfit: 20.1300 revenuePerEmployee: 130632.4499
cashFlow: 384.7700 cashFlowInvesting: -156.5900
cashFlowFinancing: -301.5000 accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 64.8283 debtEquityRatio: 54.2536
liquidityI: 9.2365 liquidityII: 139.5431
netMargin: 18.0808 grossMargin: 56.6911
cashFlowMargin: 41.3047 ebitMargin: 28.1040
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 18.1145
preTaxROA: 11.7433 roe: 11.8399
roa: 7.6756 netIncomeGrowth: 56.0982
revenuesGrowth: 34.4796 taxExpenseRate: 26.8229
equityTurnover: 0.6548 epsBasic: 2.0100
epsBasicGrowth: 55.8140 incomeBeforeTaxes: 257.6900
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.3234 priceCashFlowRatio: 11.0955
dividendYield: 2.5933 bookValuePerShare: 16.9605
marketCap: 4269221262.9000 earningsYield: 3.9489
pegRatio: 0.4537 cashFlowPerShare: 4.5874
netAssetsPerShare: 18.5565 priceBookValueRatio: 3.0011
dividendsPerShare: 1.3200 priceEarningsRatio: 25.3472
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0081 currency: EUR
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 26.6667
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.6841 dividendYield: 2.4627
bookValuePerShare: 16.9605 marketCap: 4495682773.6156
earningsYield: 3.7500 pegRatio: 0.4778
cashFlowPerShare: 4.5874 netAssetsPerShare: 16.9605
priceBookValueRatio: 3.1603 priceEarningsRatio: 26.6917
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0081 currency: EUR

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 2224.9000
cash: 105.2000
currentAssets: 537.0000
fixedAssets: 1687.9000
liabilities: 293.5000
nonCurrentLiabilities: 483.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 2224.9000
provisions: 270.4000
totalShareholdersEquity: 1323.6000
employees: 6575
property: 1339.2000
intangibleAssets: 159.2000
longTermInvestments: 181.3000
inventories: 7.3000
accountsReceivable: 399.0000
accountsPayable: 35.3000
liabilitiesTotal: 776.5000
longTermDebt: 254.8000
shortTermDebt: 25.0000
minorityInterests: 124.9000
sales: 692.7000
depreciation: 131.1000
netIncome: 107.9000
operatingResult: 711.5000
incomeInterest: -9.1000
incomeTaxes: 29.8000
costGoodsSold: 316.8000
grossProfit: 375.9000
minorityInterestsProfit: -20.2000
revenuePerEmployee: 105353.6122
cashFlow: 337.6000
cashFlowInvesting: -304.5000
cashFlowFinancing: -51.6000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 59.4903
debtEquityRatio: 68.0946
liquidityI: 35.8433
liquidityII: 171.7888
netMargin: 15.5767
grossMargin: 54.2659
cashFlowMargin: 48.7368
ebitMargin: 102.7140
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 11.9296
preTaxROA: 7.0969
roe: 8.1520
roa: 4.8497
netIncomeGrowth: 2816.2162
revenuesGrowth: 70.1966
taxExpenseRate: 18.8727
equityTurnover: 0.5233
epsBasic: 1.2900
epsBasicGrowth: 3125.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 157.9000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.0775
priceCashFlowRatio: 8.0372
dividendYield: 2.3802
bookValuePerShare: 15.7807
marketCap: 2713345930.3500
earningsYield: 3.9876
pegRatio: 0.0080
cashFlowPerShare: 4.0251
netAssetsPerShare: 17.2698
priceBookValueRatio: 2.0500
dividendsPerShare: 0.7700
priceEarningsRatio: 25.1469
netEarningsPerShare: 1.2864
currency: EUR
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 2194.3500
cash: 31.9000
currentAssets: 531.6800
fixedAssets: 1662.6700
liabilities: 345.3700
nonCurrentLiabilities: 292.5500
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 2194.3500
provisions: 383.0300
totalShareholdersEquity: 1422.5600
employees: 7131
property: 1324.2600
intangibleAssets: 156.2400
longTermInvestments: 173.8800
inventories: 7.6500
accountsReceivable: 450.0400
accountsPayable: 39.0100
liabilitiesTotal: 345.3700
longTermDebt: 55.2500
shortTermDebt: 93.0000
minorityInterests: 133.8600
sales: 931.5400
depreciation: 131.7500
netIncome: 168.4300
operatingResult: 261.8000
incomeInterest: 3.8300
incomeTaxes: 69.1200
costGoodsSold: 403.4400
grossProfit: 528.1000
minorityInterestsProfit: 20.1300
revenuePerEmployee: 130632.4499
cashFlow: 384.7700
cashFlowInvesting: -156.5900
cashFlowFinancing: -301.5000
accountingStandard: IFRS
equityRatio: 64.8283
debtEquityRatio: 54.2536
liquidityI: 9.2365
liquidityII: 139.5431
netMargin: 18.0808
grossMargin: 56.6911
cashFlowMargin: 41.3047
ebitMargin: 28.1040
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 18.1145
preTaxROA: 11.7433
roe: 11.8399
roa: 7.6756
netIncomeGrowth: 56.0982
revenuesGrowth: 34.4796
taxExpenseRate: 26.8229
equityTurnover: 0.6548
epsBasic: 2.0100
epsBasicGrowth: 55.8140
incomeBeforeTaxes: 257.6900
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 25.3234
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.0955
dividendYield: 2.5933
bookValuePerShare: 16.9605
marketCap: 4269221262.9000
earningsYield: 3.9489
pegRatio: 0.4537
cashFlowPerShare: 4.5874
netAssetsPerShare: 18.5565
priceBookValueRatio: 3.0011
dividendsPerShare: 1.3200
priceEarningsRatio: 25.3472
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0081
currency: EUR
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 26.6667
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.6841
dividendYield: 2.4627
bookValuePerShare: 16.9605
marketCap: 4495682773.6156
earningsYield: 3.7500
pegRatio: 0.4778
cashFlowPerShare: 4.5874
netAssetsPerShare: 16.9605
priceBookValueRatio: 3.1603
priceEarningsRatio: 26.6917
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0081
currency: EUR