Intuitive Surgical, Inc. ist ein US-amerikanisches Medizintechnikunternehmen. Der Konzern gehört zu den führenden Anbietern von Robotersystemen, die innerhalb der minimal invasiven Chirurgie (MIS) eingesetzt werden. Kernprodukt des Unternehmens ist das sogenannte da Vinci®-System. Das eigens von Intuitive Surgical entwickelte Produkt wird sowohl bei Eingriffen im Thoraxbereich oder am Herzen als auch in der Urologie und Gynäkologie verwendet. Das System besteht aus einer Operationskonsole, einem hochauflösenden Bildschirmsystem mit 3D-Virtualisierung sowie patentierten Instrumenten. So bietet die Apparatur dem Benutzer die Möglichkeit, selbst schwierige Eingriffe und Operationen bei nur geringer Inzision noch präziser durchführen zu können. Zu den Kunden des Unternehmens gehören in erster Linie Krankenhäuser, außerdem wird das da Vinci®-System auch innerhalb des Militärs eingesetzt. Unter dem Dach der Intuitive Surgical, Inc. entwickeln und produzieren zahlreiche Tochterfirmen verschiedenartige Produkte, die innerhalb der operativen Medizin gebraucht werden. Die Tochtergesellschaften vertreiben die jeweiligen Produkte unter eigenem Markennamen. Hierzu gehören unter anderem: EndoWrist, da Vinci®-Si oder Single-Site. Außerdem arbeitet der Konzern mit verschiedenen anderen Unternehmen und Forschungszentren zusammen, um den technischen Standard seiner Produkte verbessern zu können. Das Unternehmen kooperiert mit dem Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Power Medical Interventions, InTouch Health und der John Hopkins Universität.
endOfFinancialYear: | 31.12.2024 00:00 |
stockholderStructure: | Vanguard Group (8.56%),BlackRock Inc. (8.24%),PRICE T ROWE ASSOCIATES INC MD (4.78%),State Street Corporation (4.21%),FMR LLC. (2.12%),ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN L P (2.05%),Capital World Investors (2.03%),GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC (1.95%),The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (1.89%),JP Morgan Chase & Co. (1.46%) |
sharesOutstanding: | 356656964.0000 |
ceo: | Dr. Gary S. Guthart |
board: | Jamie Samath, Joseph Beery, Dave Rosa, Myriam J. Curet, Brian Miller, Bob DeSantis, Gary Loeb, Kara Andersen Reiter, Marshall L. Mohr, Henry Charlton, Marc Bland, Dirk Barten, Glenn Vavoso, Gillian S. Duncan, Chris Carlson, Iman Jeddi, Anthony McGrogan, Federico Barbagli, Ian Purdy, Mark P. Brosius |
supervisoryBoard: | Jami Dover Nachtsheim, Craig H. Barratt, Lewis Chew, Mark J. Rubash, Sreelakshmi Kolli, Keith R. Leonard, Jr., Amal M. Johnson , Amy Ladd, Monica Reed, Dave Rosa, Dr. Gary S. Guthart |
countryID: | 20 |
freeFloat: | 60.8800 |
faceValue: | 0.0010 |
faceValueCurrencyID: | 4 |
faceValueCurrency: | USD |
sectorName: | Medizintechnische Produkte |
industryName: | Gesundheitswesen |
subsectorName: | Hochentwickelte medizinische Geräte |
country: | USA |
countryName: | USA |
phone: | +1-408-523-2161 |
email: | |
irWebSite: | |
street: | 1020 Kifer Road, Building 101 |
city: | Sunnyvale, California 94086-5304, USA |
phone: | +1-408-523-2100 |
fax: | +1-408-523-1390 |
webSite: | |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2022 | cash: | 1581.2000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 12974.0000 | liabilities: | 1861.4000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 11112.6000 |
sales: | 6222.2000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1606.8000 |
netIncome: | 1322.3000 | cashFlow: | 294.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | cash: | 2750.1000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 15441.5000 | liabilities: | 2044.2000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 13397.3000 |
sales: | 7124.1000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1958.9000 |
netIncome: | 1798.0000 | cashFlow: | 1169.4000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | cash: | 2027.4000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 18743.2000 | liabilities: | 2213.6000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 16529.6000 |
sales: | 8352.1000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2673.8000 |
netIncome: | 2322.6000 | cashFlow: | -707.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2022 |
cash: | 1581.2000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 12974.0000 |
liabilities: | 1861.4000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 11112.6000 |
sales: | 6222.2000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1606.8000 |
netIncome: | 1322.3000 |
cashFlow: | 294.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
cash: | 2750.1000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 15441.5000 |
liabilities: | 2044.2000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 13397.3000 |
sales: | 7124.1000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1958.9000 |
netIncome: | 1798.0000 |
cashFlow: | 1169.4000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
cash: | 2027.4000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 18743.2000 |
liabilities: | 2213.6000 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 16529.6000 |
sales: | 8352.1000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2673.8000 |
netIncome: | 2322.6000 |
cashFlow: | -707.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2023 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 15441.5000 | cash: | 2750.1000 |
currentAssets: | 7888.0000 | fixedAssets: | 7553.5000 |
liabilities: | 1658.7000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 15441.5000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 13397.3000 | property: | 3537.6000 |
longTermInvestments: | 2120.0000 | inventories: | 1220.6000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1130.2000 | accountsPayable: | 188.7000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 2044.2000 | minorityInterests: | 89.7000 |
commonStock: | 0.4000 | preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 7124.1000 | netIncome: | 1798.0000 |
operatingResult: | 1766.8000 | incomeInterest: | 192.1000 |
investments: | 998.8000 | incomeTaxes: | 141.6000 |
costGoodsSold: | 2394.6000 | grossProfit: | 4729.5000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 19.3000 | cashFlow: | 1813.8000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -360.1000 | cashFlowFinancing: | -287.6000 |
cashFlowTotal: | 1169.4000 | accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 86.7616 | liquidityI: | 1.6580 |
liquidityII: | 2.3394 | netMargin: | 25.2383 |
grossMargin: | 66.3873 | cashFlowMargin: | 25.4601 |
ebitMargin: | 24.8003 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 14.6216 | preTaxROA: | 12.6859 |
roe: | 13.4206 | roa: | 11.6439 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 35.9752 | revenuesGrowth: | 14.4949 |
taxExpenseRate: | 7.2285 | equityTurnover: | 0.5318 |
epsBasic: | 5.1200 | epsDiluted: | 5.0300 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 37.6344 | shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1958.9000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 65.8906 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 65.5313 | bookValuePerShare: | 38.0253 |
marketCap: | 118860653141.6800 | earningsYield: | 1.5177 |
pegRatio: | 1.7508 | cashFlowPerShare: | 5.1481 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 38.2799 | priceBookValueRatio: | 8.8720 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 66.1071 | netEarningsPerShare: | 5.1032 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 18743.2000 | cash: | 2027.4000 |
currentAssets: | 7111.0000 | fixedAssets: | 11632.2000 |
liabilities: | 1745.3000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 18743.2000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 16529.6000 | property: | 4646.6000 |
longTermInvestments: | 4819.1000 | inventories: | 1487.2000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1225.4000 | accountsPayable: | 193.4000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 2213.6000 | minorityInterests: | 95.9000 |
commonStock: | 0.4000 | preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 8352.1000 | netIncome: | 2322.6000 |
operatingResult: | 2348.9000 | incomeInterest: | 324.9000 |
investments: | 1145.3000 | incomeTaxes: | 336.3000 |
costGoodsSold: | 2717.9000 | grossProfit: | 5634.2000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 14.9000 | cashFlow: | 2415.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -3272.8000 | cashFlowFinancing: | 150.9000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -707.7000 | accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 88.1899 | liquidityI: | 1.1616 |
liquidityII: | 1.8637 | netMargin: | 27.8086 |
grossMargin: | 67.4585 | cashFlowMargin: | 28.9149 |
ebitMargin: | 28.1235 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 16.1758 | preTaxROA: | 14.2654 |
roe: | 14.0512 | roa: | 12.3917 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 29.1769 | revenuesGrowth: | 17.2373 |
taxExpenseRate: | 12.5776 | equityTurnover: | 0.5053 |
epsBasic: | 6.5400 | epsDiluted: | 6.4200 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 27.7344 | shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2673.8000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 79.8104 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 77.0852 | bookValuePerShare: | 46.3459 |
marketCap: | 186160668929.4400 | earningsYield: | 1.2530 |
pegRatio: | 2.8777 | cashFlowPerShare: | 6.7712 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 46.6148 | priceBookValueRatio: | 11.2623 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 80.1518 | netEarningsPerShare: | 6.5121 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2025 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 89.1407 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 86.0968 | bookValuePerShare: | 46.3459 |
marketCap: | 207923876872.7200 | earningsYield: | 1.1218 |
pegRatio: | 3.2141 | cashFlowPerShare: | 6.7712 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 46.3459 | priceBookValueRatio: | 12.5789 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 89.5220 | netEarningsPerShare: | 6.5121 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2023 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 15441.5000 |
cash: | 2750.1000 |
currentAssets: | 7888.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 7553.5000 |
liabilities: | 1658.7000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 15441.5000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 13397.3000 |
property: | 3537.6000 |
longTermInvestments: | 2120.0000 |
inventories: | 1220.6000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1130.2000 |
accountsPayable: | 188.7000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 2044.2000 |
minorityInterests: | 89.7000 |
commonStock: | 0.4000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 7124.1000 |
netIncome: | 1798.0000 |
operatingResult: | 1766.8000 |
incomeInterest: | 192.1000 |
investments: | 998.8000 |
incomeTaxes: | 141.6000 |
costGoodsSold: | 2394.6000 |
grossProfit: | 4729.5000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 19.3000 |
cashFlow: | 1813.8000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -360.1000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -287.6000 |
cashFlowTotal: | 1169.4000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 86.7616 |
liquidityI: | 1.6580 |
liquidityII: | 2.3394 |
netMargin: | 25.2383 |
grossMargin: | 66.3873 |
cashFlowMargin: | 25.4601 |
ebitMargin: | 24.8003 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 14.6216 |
preTaxROA: | 12.6859 |
roe: | 13.4206 |
roa: | 11.6439 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 35.9752 |
revenuesGrowth: | 14.4949 |
taxExpenseRate: | 7.2285 |
equityTurnover: | 0.5318 |
epsBasic: | 5.1200 |
epsDiluted: | 5.0300 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 37.6344 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1958.9000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 65.8906 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 65.5313 |
bookValuePerShare: | 38.0253 |
marketCap: | 118860653141.6800 |
earningsYield: | 1.5177 |
pegRatio: | 1.7508 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 5.1481 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 38.2799 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 8.8720 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 66.1071 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 5.1032 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 18743.2000 |
cash: | 2027.4000 |
currentAssets: | 7111.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 11632.2000 |
liabilities: | 1745.3000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 18743.2000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 16529.6000 |
property: | 4646.6000 |
longTermInvestments: | 4819.1000 |
inventories: | 1487.2000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1225.4000 |
accountsPayable: | 193.4000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 2213.6000 |
minorityInterests: | 95.9000 |
commonStock: | 0.4000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 8352.1000 |
netIncome: | 2322.6000 |
operatingResult: | 2348.9000 |
incomeInterest: | 324.9000 |
investments: | 1145.3000 |
incomeTaxes: | 336.3000 |
costGoodsSold: | 2717.9000 |
grossProfit: | 5634.2000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 14.9000 |
cashFlow: | 2415.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -3272.8000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | 150.9000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -707.7000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 88.1899 |
liquidityI: | 1.1616 |
liquidityII: | 1.8637 |
netMargin: | 27.8086 |
grossMargin: | 67.4585 |
cashFlowMargin: | 28.9149 |
ebitMargin: | 28.1235 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 16.1758 |
preTaxROA: | 14.2654 |
roe: | 14.0512 |
roa: | 12.3917 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 29.1769 |
revenuesGrowth: | 17.2373 |
taxExpenseRate: | 12.5776 |
equityTurnover: | 0.5053 |
epsBasic: | 6.5400 |
epsDiluted: | 6.4200 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 27.7344 |
shareCapital: | 0.4000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2673.8000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 79.8104 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 77.0852 |
bookValuePerShare: | 46.3459 |
marketCap: | 186160668929.4400 |
earningsYield: | 1.2530 |
pegRatio: | 2.8777 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 6.7712 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 46.6148 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 11.2623 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 80.1518 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 6.5121 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2025 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 89.1407 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 86.0968 |
bookValuePerShare: | 46.3459 |
marketCap: | 207923876872.7200 |
earningsYield: | 1.1218 |
pegRatio: | 3.2141 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 6.7712 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 46.3459 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 12.5789 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 89.5220 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 6.5121 |
currency: | USD |