CSX Corporation

34,53 USD 0,27 (+0,79%)
Bid 34,53 USD
Ask 34,70 USD



CSX Corporation ist ein US-amerikanisches Frachttransport- und Logistikunternehmen. Der Konzern ist im gesamten Bundesgebiet der USA tätig und hat sich auf die Bereiche Eisenbahn- und Containerschiffverkehr spezialisiert. Damit gehört das Unternehmen zu den führenden Transportdienstleistern in Nordamerika. Die wichtigste Tochterfirma der CSX Corporation ist CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT). Durch sie werden zentrale Knotenpunkte in Mississippi, im District of Columbia oder den kanadischen Provinzen Ontario und Quebec abgedeckt. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sein Kerngeschäft auf die Interstate 90, den Southeastern Corridor und den Interstate 95 Corridor. Hauptsächlich per Eisenbahn transportiert CSX Kraftfahrzeuge, Kohle, Koks, Eisenerz und andere Handelswaren wie Holz- und Papiererzeugnisse, Chemikalien, Mineralien, Metalle, Düngemittel, landwirtschaftliche Produkte sowie Nahrungsmittel und Konsumartikel. Durch die gemeinsame Arbeit mit seinen Tochterfirmen stellt das Unternehmen den reibungslosen Warenfluss sicher und kann damit neben Schienentransporten auch die Übernahme der Waren durch Lastwagen sicherstellen.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2024 00:00
stockholderStructure: Vanguard Group (8.94927%),BlackRock Inc. (7.29621%),State Street Corporation (4.30043%),PRICE T ROWE ASSOCIATES INC MD (3.31511%),Capital World Investors (2.57699%),JP Morgan Chase & Co. (2.13423%),Capital International Investors (2.06417%),GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC (2.00668%),Bank of America Corp. (1.76006%),Soroban Capital Partners LP (1.62983%)
sharesOutstanding: 1938739661.0000
ceo: Joseph R. Hinrichs
board: Sean R. Pelkey, Arthur Adams, Diana Sorfleet, Farrukh A. Bezar, Kevin S. Boone, Nathan D. Goldman, Ricky Johnson, Stephen Fortune, Casey Albright
supervisoryBoard: John J. Zillmer, David M. Moffet, Donna M. Alvarado, J. Steven Whisler, James L. Wainscott, Linda H. Riefler, Paul C. Hilal, Steven T. Halverson, Suzanne M. Vautrinot, Thomas Bostick, Joseph R. Hinrichs, Anne Chow
countryID: 20
freeFloat: 69.6300
faceValue: 1.0000
faceValueCurrencyID: 4
faceValueCurrency: USD
sectorName: Transport
industryName: Industrie
subsectorName: Spedition, Bahnfracht
country: USA
countryName: USA


name: Matthew Korn, CFA
email: Investors@csx.com
irWebSite: https://investors.csx.com/resources/investor-contacts/default.aspx


street: 500 Water Street, 15th Floor
city: Jacksonville, FL 32202, USA
phone: 904-359-3200
webSite: www.csx.com

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 2239.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 40531.0000 liabilities: 27031.0000
shareCapital: 2202.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 13500.0000
sales: 12522.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 5000.0000
netIncome: 3781.0000 cashFlow: -890.0000
employees: 20900 currencyID: 4
units: 1000000 currency: USD
year: 2022 cash: 1958.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 41912.0000 liabilities: 29287.0000
shareCapital: 2066.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 12625.0000
sales: 14853.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 5400.0000
netIncome: 4166.0000 cashFlow: -281.0000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023 cash: 1353.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 42408.0000 liabilities: 30275.0000
shareCapital: 1959.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 12133.0000
sales: 14657.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 4900.0000
netIncome: 3715.0000 cashFlow: -605.0000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 2239.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 40531.0000
liabilities: 27031.0000
shareCapital: 2202.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 13500.0000
sales: 12522.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 5000.0000
netIncome: 3781.0000
cashFlow: -890.0000
employees: 20900
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022
cash: 1958.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 41912.0000
liabilities: 29287.0000
shareCapital: 2066.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12625.0000
sales: 14853.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 5400.0000
netIncome: 4166.0000
cashFlow: -281.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023
cash: 1353.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 42408.0000
liabilities: 30275.0000
shareCapital: 1959.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12133.0000
sales: 14657.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 4900.0000
netIncome: 3715.0000
cashFlow: -605.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 41912.0000 cash: 1958.0000
currentAssets: 3849.0000 fixedAssets: 38063.0000
liabilities: 2471.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 41912.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12625.0000 property: 34242.0000
longTermInvestments: 2292.0000 inventories: 341.0000
accountsReceivable: 1313.0000 accountsPayable: 1130.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 29287.0000 longTermDebt: 17896.0000
shortTermDebt: 151.0000 minorityInterests: 10.0000
commonStock: 2066.0000 sales: 14853.0000
depreciation: 1500.0000 netIncome: 4166.0000
operatingResult: 6023.0000 incomeInterest: -742.0000
incomeTaxes: 1248.0000 costGoodsSold: 13713.0000
grossProfit: 1140.0000 cashFlow: 5619.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -2131.0000 cashFlowFinancing: -3769.0000
cashFlowTotal: -281.0000 accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 30.1226 debtEquityRatio: 1.4295
liquidityI: 0.7924 liquidityII: 1.3238
netMargin: 28.0482 grossMargin: 7.6752
cashFlowMargin: 37.8307 ebitMargin: 40.5507
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 42.7723
preTaxROA: 12.8841 roe: 32.9980
roa: 9.9399 netIncomeGrowth: 10.1825
revenuesGrowth: 18.6152 taxExpenseRate: 23.1111
equityTurnover: 1.1765 epsBasic: 1.9500
epsDiluted: 1.9500 epsBasicGrowth: 16.0714
shareCapital: 2066.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 5400.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 15.8872 priceCashFlowRatio: 11.3720
dividendYield: 1.2912 bookValuePerShare: 6.1209
marketCap: 63899516345.3200 earningsYield: 6.2944
pegRatio: 0.9885 cashFlowPerShare: 2.7242
netAssetsPerShare: 6.1257 priceBookValueRatio: 5.0613
dividendsPerShare: 0.4000 priceEarningsRatio: 15.3383
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0198 currency: USD
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 42408.0000 cash: 1353.0000
currentAssets: 3384.0000 fixedAssets: 39024.0000
liabilities: 3224.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 42408.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12133.0000 property: 34935.0000
intangibleAssets: 181.0000 longTermInvestments: 2397.0000
inventories: 446.0000 accountsReceivable: 1393.0000
accountsPayable: 1237.0000 liabilitiesTotal: 30275.0000
longTermDebt: 17975.0000 shortTermDebt: 558.0000
minorityInterests: 5.0000 commonStock: 1959.0000
sales: 14657.0000 depreciation: 1611.0000
netIncome: 3715.0000 operatingResult: 5561.0000
incomeInterest: -809.0000 incomeTaxes: 1176.0000
costGoodsSold: 13851.0000 grossProfit: 806.0000
cashFlow: 5549.0000 cashFlowInvesting: -2287.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -3867.0000 cashFlowTotal: -605.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP equityRatio: 28.6102
debtEquityRatio: 1.5275 liquidityI: 0.4197
liquidityII: 0.8517 netMargin: 25.3463
grossMargin: 5.4991 cashFlowMargin: 37.8590
ebitMargin: 37.9409 ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 40.3857 preTaxROA: 11.5544
roe: 30.6190 roa: 8.7601
netIncomeGrowth: -10.8257 revenuesGrowth: -1.3196
taxExpenseRate: 24.0000 equityTurnover: 1.2080
epsBasic: 1.8500 epsDiluted: 1.8500
epsBasicGrowth: -5.1282 shareCapital: 1959.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 4900.0000 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 18.7405
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.2406 dividendYield: 1.2691
bookValuePerShare: 6.1930 marketCap: 67923187637.1400
earningsYield: 5.3360 pegRatio: -3.6544
cashFlowPerShare: 2.8324 netAssetsPerShare: 6.1956
priceBookValueRatio: 5.5982 dividendsPerShare: 0.4400
priceEarningsRatio: 18.2835 netEarningsPerShare: 1.8962
currency: USD
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 18.8973
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.3430 dividendYield: 1.2586
bookValuePerShare: 6.1930 marketCap: 67778338548.5600
earningsYield: 5.2918 pegRatio: -3.6850
cashFlowPerShare: 2.8324 netAssetsPerShare: 6.1930
priceBookValueRatio: 5.6450 priceEarningsRatio: 18.4364
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8962 currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 41912.0000
cash: 1958.0000
currentAssets: 3849.0000
fixedAssets: 38063.0000
liabilities: 2471.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 41912.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12625.0000
property: 34242.0000
longTermInvestments: 2292.0000
inventories: 341.0000
accountsReceivable: 1313.0000
accountsPayable: 1130.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 29287.0000
longTermDebt: 17896.0000
shortTermDebt: 151.0000
minorityInterests: 10.0000
commonStock: 2066.0000
sales: 14853.0000
depreciation: 1500.0000
netIncome: 4166.0000
operatingResult: 6023.0000
incomeInterest: -742.0000
incomeTaxes: 1248.0000
costGoodsSold: 13713.0000
grossProfit: 1140.0000
cashFlow: 5619.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -2131.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -3769.0000
cashFlowTotal: -281.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 30.1226
debtEquityRatio: 1.4295
liquidityI: 0.7924
liquidityII: 1.3238
netMargin: 28.0482
grossMargin: 7.6752
cashFlowMargin: 37.8307
ebitMargin: 40.5507
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 42.7723
preTaxROA: 12.8841
roe: 32.9980
roa: 9.9399
netIncomeGrowth: 10.1825
revenuesGrowth: 18.6152
taxExpenseRate: 23.1111
equityTurnover: 1.1765
epsBasic: 1.9500
epsDiluted: 1.9500
epsBasicGrowth: 16.0714
shareCapital: 2066.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 5400.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 15.8872
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.3720
dividendYield: 1.2912
bookValuePerShare: 6.1209
marketCap: 63899516345.3200
earningsYield: 6.2944
pegRatio: 0.9885
cashFlowPerShare: 2.7242
netAssetsPerShare: 6.1257
priceBookValueRatio: 5.0613
dividendsPerShare: 0.4000
priceEarningsRatio: 15.3383
netEarningsPerShare: 2.0198
currency: USD
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 42408.0000
cash: 1353.0000
currentAssets: 3384.0000
fixedAssets: 39024.0000
liabilities: 3224.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 42408.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 12133.0000
property: 34935.0000
intangibleAssets: 181.0000
longTermInvestments: 2397.0000
inventories: 446.0000
accountsReceivable: 1393.0000
accountsPayable: 1237.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 30275.0000
longTermDebt: 17975.0000
shortTermDebt: 558.0000
minorityInterests: 5.0000
commonStock: 1959.0000
sales: 14657.0000
depreciation: 1611.0000
netIncome: 3715.0000
operatingResult: 5561.0000
incomeInterest: -809.0000
incomeTaxes: 1176.0000
costGoodsSold: 13851.0000
grossProfit: 806.0000
cashFlow: 5549.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -2287.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -3867.0000
cashFlowTotal: -605.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 28.6102
debtEquityRatio: 1.5275
liquidityI: 0.4197
liquidityII: 0.8517
netMargin: 25.3463
grossMargin: 5.4991
cashFlowMargin: 37.8590
ebitMargin: 37.9409
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 40.3857
preTaxROA: 11.5544
roe: 30.6190
roa: 8.7601
netIncomeGrowth: -10.8257
revenuesGrowth: -1.3196
taxExpenseRate: 24.0000
equityTurnover: 1.2080
epsBasic: 1.8500
epsDiluted: 1.8500
epsBasicGrowth: -5.1282
shareCapital: 1959.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 4900.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 18.7405
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.2406
dividendYield: 1.2691
bookValuePerShare: 6.1930
marketCap: 67923187637.1400
earningsYield: 5.3360
pegRatio: -3.6544
cashFlowPerShare: 2.8324
netAssetsPerShare: 6.1956
priceBookValueRatio: 5.5982
dividendsPerShare: 0.4400
priceEarningsRatio: 18.2835
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8962
currency: USD
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 18.8973
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.3430
dividendYield: 1.2586
bookValuePerShare: 6.1930
marketCap: 67778338548.5600
earningsYield: 5.2918
pegRatio: -3.6850
cashFlowPerShare: 2.8324
netAssetsPerShare: 6.1930
priceBookValueRatio: 5.6450
priceEarningsRatio: 18.4364
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8962
currency: USD