International Business Machines Corporation

176,48 EUR -0,06 (-0,03%)
Bid 176,48 EUR
Ask 177,18 EUR



International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) ist einer der weltweit größten Anbieter in den Bereichen Informationstechnologie (Hardware, Software und Services) und e-Business-Lösungen. Die Tätigkeiten des Unternehmens umfassen das gesamte Spektrum an Computersystemen, Software, Netzwerken, Speichertechnologie und Mikroelektronik. Den Kunden wird eine vollständige Produktpalette an Informationstechnologie angeboten: Von Hardware, Software über Dienstleistungen und komplexe Anwendungslösungen bis hin zu Outsourcingprojekten und Weiterbildungsangeboten. Darüber hinaus vertreibt IBM individuelle Leasing- und Finanzierungslösungen für Hardware, Software und Services von IBM und anderen Herstellern. Der Konzern ist weltweit in über 170 Ländern vertreten und bietet seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Direktvertrieb, online und über IBM Vertriebspartner an. Beliefert werden sowohl Groß- und Kleinunternehmen als auch Institutionen in einer Vielzahl von Branchen wie dem Finanzmarkt, der Chemie-, Auto-, Elektronik- und Luftfahrtindustrie sowie dem Schul- und Universitätswesen. Zum Kundenstamm gehören außerdem Krankenhäuser, Reiseveranstalter, der Einzelhandel, Telekommunikationsunternehmen, Medienkonzerne und Energieversorger.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2022 00:00
stockholderStructure: Vanguard Group Inc (9.01%),Blackrock Inc. (8.23%),State Street Corp (6%),Geode Capital Management, Llc (2.05%),Bank Of America Corp /De/ (1.71%),Morgan Stanley (1.61%),Northern Trust Corp (1.05%),Bank Of New York Mellon Corp (0.95%),Amundi (0.91%),Jpmorgan Chase & Co (0.89%)
sharesOutstanding: 918602666.0000
ceo: Arvind Krishna
board: James J. Kavanaugh, Jonathan H. Adashek, Mohamad Ali , Simon J. Beaumont, Michelle H. Browdy, Kelly C. Chambliss, Gary D. Cohn, Nicolás Fehring, Darío Gil, John Granger, Sebastian Krause, Nickle J. LaMoreaux, Ric Lewis, Dinesh Nirmal, Frank Sedlarcik, Alex Stern, Robert D. Thomas, Joanne Wright, Kareem Yusuf
supervisoryBoard: Arvind Krishna, Alex Gorsky, Andrew N. Liveris, David N. Farr, Frederick H. Waddell, Frederick William McNabb III, Joseph R. Swedish, Martha Pollack, Peter R. Voser, Alfred W. Zollar, Michael Miebach, Michelle J. Howard, Marianne C. Brown, Thomas Buberl
countryID: 20
freeFloat: 78.3500
faceValue: 0.2000
faceValueCurrencyID: 4
faceValueCurrency: USD
sectorName: Hardware
industryName: Technologie
subsectorName: Computer Hardware
country: USA
countryName: USA


phone: +1-914-255-8115


street: 1 New Orchard Road
city: Armonk, New York 10504-1722, USA
phone: +1-914-499-1900
fax: +1-914-765-7382

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 6650.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 132001.0000 liabilities: 113005.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 18996.0000 sales: 57350.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 4837.0000 netIncome: 5743.0000
cashFlow: -6718.0000 employees: 345000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022 cash: 7886.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 127243.0000 liabilities: 105222.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22021.0000 sales: 60530.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1156.0000 netIncome: 1639.0000
cashFlow: 1032.0000 currencyID: 4
units: 1000000 currency: USD
year: 2023 cash: 13068.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 135241.0000 liabilities: 112628.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22613.0000 sales: 61860.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 8690.0000 netIncome: 7502.0000
cashFlow: 5101.0000 currencyID: 4
units: 1000000 currency: USD

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 6650.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 132001.0000
liabilities: 113005.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 18996.0000
sales: 57350.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 4837.0000
netIncome: 5743.0000
cashFlow: -6718.0000
employees: 345000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022
cash: 7886.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 127243.0000
liabilities: 105222.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22021.0000
sales: 60530.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1156.0000
netIncome: 1639.0000
cashFlow: 1032.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023
cash: 13068.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 135241.0000
liabilities: 112628.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22613.0000
sales: 61860.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 8690.0000
netIncome: 7502.0000
cashFlow: 5101.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 127243.0000 cash: 7886.0000
currentAssets: 29118.0000 fixedAssets: 98125.0000
liabilities: 31505.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 127243.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22021.0000 property: 5334.0000
intangibleAssets: 11184.0000 longTermInvestments: 1617.0000
inventories: 1552.0000 accountsReceivable: 7358.0000
accountsPayable: 4051.0000 liabilitiesTotal: 105222.0000
longTermDebt: 46189.0000 shortTermDebt: 4760.0000
minorityInterests: 77.0000 sales: 60530.0000
depreciation: 4802.0000 netIncome: 1639.0000
incomeInterest: -1216.0000 investments: 6567.0000
incomeTaxes: -626.0000 costGoodsSold: 27842.0000
grossProfit: 32688.0000 cashFlow: 10435.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -4202.0000 cashFlowFinancing: -4958.0000
cashFlowTotal: 1032.0000 accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 17.3063 debtEquityRatio: 477.8257
liquidityI: 25.0309 liquidityII: 48.3860
netMargin: 2.7077 grossMargin: 54.0030
cashFlowMargin: 17.2394 ebitMargin: 0.0000
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 5.2495
preTaxROA: 0.9085 roe: 7.4429
roa: 1.2881 netIncomeGrowth: -71.4609
revenuesGrowth: 5.5449 taxExpenseRate: -54.1522
equityTurnover: 2.7487 epsBasic: 1.8200
epsDiluted: 1.8000 epsBasicGrowth: -71.6069
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1156.0000 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 77.4121
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.2474 dividendYield: 4.6774
bookValuePerShare: 24.2761 marketCap: 127802109533.7900
earningsYield: 1.2918 pegRatio: -1.0811
cashFlowPerShare: 11.5036 netAssetsPerShare: 24.3610
priceBookValueRatio: 5.8036 dividendsPerShare: 6.5900
priceEarningsRatio: 77.9757 netEarningsPerShare: 1.8068
currency: USD
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 135241.0000 cash: 13068.0000
currentAssets: 32908.0000 fixedAssets: 102333.0000
liabilities: 34122.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 135241.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22613.0000 property: 5501.0000
intangibleAssets: 11036.0000 longTermInvestments: 1626.0000
inventories: 1161.0000 accountsReceivable: 7854.0000
accountsPayable: 4132.0000 liabilitiesTotal: 112628.0000
longTermDebt: 50121.0000 shortTermDebt: 6426.0000
minorityInterests: 80.0000 sales: 61860.0000
depreciation: 4396.0000 netIncome: 7502.0000
incomeInterest: -1607.0000 investments: 6775.0000
incomeTaxes: 1176.0000 costGoodsSold: 27560.0000
grossProfit: 34300.0000 cashFlow: 13931.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -7070.0000 cashFlowFinancing: -1769.0000
cashFlowTotal: 5101.0000 accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 16.7205 debtEquityRatio: 498.0675
liquidityI: 38.2979 liquidityII: 61.3153
netMargin: 12.1274 grossMargin: 55.4478
cashFlowMargin: 22.5202 ebitMargin: 0.0000
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 38.4292
preTaxROA: 6.4256 roe: 33.1756
roa: 5.5471 netIncomeGrowth: 357.7181
revenuesGrowth: 2.1973 taxExpenseRate: 13.5328
equityTurnover: 2.7356 epsBasic: 8.2300
epsDiluted: 8.1400 epsBasicGrowth: 352.1978
incomeBeforeTaxes: 8690.0000 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 19.8724
priceCashFlowRatio: 10.7626 dividendYield: 4.0538
bookValuePerShare: 24.6666 marketCap: 149933619890.4000
earningsYield: 5.0321 pegRatio: 0.0564
cashFlowPerShare: 15.1962 netAssetsPerShare: 24.7539
priceBookValueRatio: 6.6304 dividendsPerShare: 6.6300
priceEarningsRatio: 19.9858 netEarningsPerShare: 8.1833
currency: USD
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 23.2989
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.6183 dividendYield: 3.4576
bookValuePerShare: 24.6666 marketCap: 176142061205.5000
earningsYield: 4.2920 pegRatio: 0.0662
cashFlowPerShare: 15.1962 netAssetsPerShare: 24.6666
priceBookValueRatio: 7.7737 priceEarningsRatio: 23.4319
netEarningsPerShare: 8.1833 currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 127243.0000
cash: 7886.0000
currentAssets: 29118.0000
fixedAssets: 98125.0000
liabilities: 31505.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 127243.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22021.0000
property: 5334.0000
intangibleAssets: 11184.0000
longTermInvestments: 1617.0000
inventories: 1552.0000
accountsReceivable: 7358.0000
accountsPayable: 4051.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 105222.0000
longTermDebt: 46189.0000
shortTermDebt: 4760.0000
minorityInterests: 77.0000
sales: 60530.0000
depreciation: 4802.0000
netIncome: 1639.0000
incomeInterest: -1216.0000
investments: 6567.0000
incomeTaxes: -626.0000
costGoodsSold: 27842.0000
grossProfit: 32688.0000
cashFlow: 10435.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -4202.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -4958.0000
cashFlowTotal: 1032.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 17.3063
debtEquityRatio: 477.8257
liquidityI: 25.0309
liquidityII: 48.3860
netMargin: 2.7077
grossMargin: 54.0030
cashFlowMargin: 17.2394
ebitMargin: 0.0000
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 5.2495
preTaxROA: 0.9085
roe: 7.4429
roa: 1.2881
netIncomeGrowth: -71.4609
revenuesGrowth: 5.5449
taxExpenseRate: -54.1522
equityTurnover: 2.7487
epsBasic: 1.8200
epsDiluted: 1.8000
epsBasicGrowth: -71.6069
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1156.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 77.4121
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.2474
dividendYield: 4.6774
bookValuePerShare: 24.2761
marketCap: 127802109533.7900
earningsYield: 1.2918
pegRatio: -1.0811
cashFlowPerShare: 11.5036
netAssetsPerShare: 24.3610
priceBookValueRatio: 5.8036
dividendsPerShare: 6.5900
priceEarningsRatio: 77.9757
netEarningsPerShare: 1.8068
currency: USD
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 135241.0000
cash: 13068.0000
currentAssets: 32908.0000
fixedAssets: 102333.0000
liabilities: 34122.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 135241.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 22613.0000
property: 5501.0000
intangibleAssets: 11036.0000
longTermInvestments: 1626.0000
inventories: 1161.0000
accountsReceivable: 7854.0000
accountsPayable: 4132.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 112628.0000
longTermDebt: 50121.0000
shortTermDebt: 6426.0000
minorityInterests: 80.0000
sales: 61860.0000
depreciation: 4396.0000
netIncome: 7502.0000
incomeInterest: -1607.0000
investments: 6775.0000
incomeTaxes: 1176.0000
costGoodsSold: 27560.0000
grossProfit: 34300.0000
cashFlow: 13931.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -7070.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -1769.0000
cashFlowTotal: 5101.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 16.7205
debtEquityRatio: 498.0675
liquidityI: 38.2979
liquidityII: 61.3153
netMargin: 12.1274
grossMargin: 55.4478
cashFlowMargin: 22.5202
ebitMargin: 0.0000
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 38.4292
preTaxROA: 6.4256
roe: 33.1756
roa: 5.5471
netIncomeGrowth: 357.7181
revenuesGrowth: 2.1973
taxExpenseRate: 13.5328
equityTurnover: 2.7356
epsBasic: 8.2300
epsDiluted: 8.1400
epsBasicGrowth: 352.1978
incomeBeforeTaxes: 8690.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 19.8724
priceCashFlowRatio: 10.7626
dividendYield: 4.0538
bookValuePerShare: 24.6666
marketCap: 149933619890.4000
earningsYield: 5.0321
pegRatio: 0.0564
cashFlowPerShare: 15.1962
netAssetsPerShare: 24.7539
priceBookValueRatio: 6.6304
dividendsPerShare: 6.6300
priceEarningsRatio: 19.9858
netEarningsPerShare: 8.1833
currency: USD
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 23.2989
priceCashFlowRatio: 12.6183
dividendYield: 3.4576
bookValuePerShare: 24.6666
marketCap: 176142061205.5000
earningsYield: 4.2920
pegRatio: 0.0662
cashFlowPerShare: 15.1962
netAssetsPerShare: 24.6666
priceBookValueRatio: 7.7737
priceEarningsRatio: 23.4319
netEarningsPerShare: 8.1833
currency: USD