Das Unternehmen ist in drei Segmenten tätig: Chemicals & Materials, Fuels & Feedstock, und Energy. Im Bereich Chemicals & Materials ist die OMV über ihre Tochtergesellschaft Borealis einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von fortschrittlichen und kreislauffähigen Polyolefin-Lösungen und ein europäischer Marktführer bei Basischemikalien, Düngemitteln und Kunststoff-Recycling. Gemeinsam mit ihren beiden großen Joint Ventures - Borouge (mit ADNOC, in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Singapur) und Baystar™ (mit TotalEnergies, in den USA) - liefert Borealis Produkte und Dienstleistungen an Kunden in aller Welt. Der OMV Geschäftsbereich Kraftstoffe und Rohstoffe produziert und vermarktet Kraftstoffe sowie Rohstoffe für die chemische Industrie, betreibt drei Raffinerien in Europa und ist mit 15% an einem Raffinerie-Joint-Venture in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten beteiligt. OMV betreibt rund 1.800 Tankstellen in zehn europäischen Ländern. Im Segment Energie exploriert und produziert OMV Öl und Gas in den vier Kernregionen Mittel- und Osteuropa, Naher Osten und Afrika, Nordsee und Asien-Pazifik.
OMV beabsichtigt, sich von einem integrierten Öl-, Gas- und Chemieunternehmen zu einem führenden Anbieter von innovativen und nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen, Chemikalien und Materialien zu entwickeln und gleichzeitig eine führende Rolle in der Kreislaufwirtschaft einzunehmen.
endOfFinancialYear: | 31.12.2022 01:00 |
stockholderStructure: | ÖBAG (Österreichische Beteiligungs AG, Austrian state holding company) (31.5%),institutional investors (27.7%),MPPH (Mubadala Petroleum and Petrochemicals Holding Company L.L.C, Abu Dhabi) (24.9%),retail positions and miscellaneous (11.7%),unidentified free float (4%),treasury shares (0.1%),employee share program (0.1%) |
sharesOutstanding: | 326940897.0000 |
ceo: | Alfred Stern |
board: | Reinhard Florey, Martijn Arjen van Koten, Berislav Gaso, Daniela Vlad |
supervisoryBoard: | Lutz Feldmann, Edith Hlawati, Saeed Al Mazrouei, Alyazia Ali Al Kuwaiti, Stefan Doboczky , Karl Rose, Elisabeth Stadler, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Robert Stajic, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, Angela Schorna, Nicole Schachenhofer, Hubert Bunderla, Alexander Auer, Alfred Redlich |
countryID: | 1 |
freeFloat: | 43.6000 |
faceValue: | 1.0000 |
faceValueCurrencyID: | 1 |
faceValueCurrency: | EUR |
sectorName: | Öl und Gas |
industryName: | Energie und Versorger |
country: | Österreich |
countryName: | Österreich |
name: | Florian Greger |
phone: | +43-1-40440-21600 |
fax: | +43-1-40440-621600 |
email: | |
irWebSite: | |
street: | Trabrennstraße 6-8 |
city: | A-1020 Wien |
phone: | +43-1-40440-0 |
webSite: | |
email: | |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 | cash: | 5050.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 53798.0000 | liabilities: | 31802.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 21996.0000 | sales: | 35555.0000 |
bankLoans: | 8815.0000 | investment: | 161.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4870.0000 | netIncome: | 2093.0000 |
cashFlow: | 2195.0000 | employees: | 22434 |
currencyID: | 1 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2022 | cash: | 8090.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 56429.0000 | liabilities: | 29174.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 19149.0000 | sales: | 64811.0000 |
investment: | 269.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 10765.0000 |
netIncome: | 3634.0000 | employees: | 22308 |
currencyID: | 1 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2023 | cash: | 6920.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 50663.0000 | liabilities: | 24672.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 18238.0000 | sales: | 40531.0000 |
investment: | 473.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4604.0000 |
netIncome: | 1480.0000 | employees: | 20592 |
currencyID: | 1 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 |
cash: | 5050.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 53798.0000 |
liabilities: | 31802.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 21996.0000 |
sales: | 35555.0000 |
bankLoans: | 8815.0000 |
investment: | 161.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4870.0000 |
netIncome: | 2093.0000 |
cashFlow: | 2195.0000 |
employees: | 22434 |
currencyID: | 1 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2022 |
cash: | 8090.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 56429.0000 |
liabilities: | 29174.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 19149.0000 |
sales: | 64811.0000 |
investment: | 269.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 10765.0000 |
netIncome: | 3634.0000 |
employees: | 22308 |
currencyID: | 1 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2023 |
cash: | 6920.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 50663.0000 |
liabilities: | 24672.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 18238.0000 |
sales: | 40531.0000 |
investment: | 473.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4604.0000 |
netIncome: | 1480.0000 |
employees: | 20592 |
currencyID: | 1 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | EUR |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 56429.0000 | cash: | 8090.0000 |
currentAssets: | 22369.0000 | fixedAssets: | 32384.0000 |
liabilities: | 13567.0000 | nonCurrentLiabilities: | 15607.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 56429.0000 | provisions: | 6869.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 19149.0000 | employees: | 22308 |
property: | 19317.0000 | intangibleAssets: | 2510.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 9293.0000 | inventories: | 4834.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 4222.0000 | accountsPayable: | 5259.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 29174.0000 | longTermDebt: | 9200.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 3745.0000 | minorityInterests: | 7478.0000 |
sales: | 64811.0000 | depreciation: | 2484.0000 |
netIncome: | 3634.0000 | operatingResult: | 12246.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -148.0000 | investments: | 250.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 5590.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 1470.0000 |
revenuePerEmployee: | 2905280.6168 | cashFlow: | 7758.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -1966.0000 | cashFlowFinancing: | -2660.0000 |
accountingStandard: | IFRS | equityRatio: | 33.9347 |
debtEquityRatio: | 194.6838 | liquidityI: | 59.6300 |
liquidityII: | 90.7496 | netMargin: | 5.6071 |
cashFlowMargin: | 11.9702 | ebitMargin: | 18.8949 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 | preTaxROE: | 56.2170 |
preTaxROA: | 19.0771 | roe: | 18.9775 |
roa: | 6.4400 | netIncomeGrowth: | 73.6264 |
revenuesGrowth: | 82.2838 | taxExpenseRate: | 51.9275 |
equityTurnover: | 3.3846 | epsBasic: | 11.1200 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 73.7500 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 10765.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 4.3255 | priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.0268 |
dividendYield: | 10.4990 | bookValuePerShare: | 58.5779 |
marketCap: | 15723782400.3000 | earningsYield: | 23.1185 |
pegRatio: | 0.0587 | cashFlowPerShare: | 23.7322 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 81.4536 | priceBookValueRatio: | 0.8211 |
dividendsPerShare: | 5.0500 | priceEarningsRatio: | 4.3269 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 11.1166 | currency: | EUR |
year: | 2023 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 50663.0000 | cash: | 6920.0000 |
currentAssets: | 17432.0000 | fixedAssets: | 31559.0000 |
liabilities: | 9846.0000 | nonCurrentLiabilities: | 14826.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 50663.0000 | provisions: | 7275.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 18238.0000 | employees: | 20592 |
property: | 20081.0000 | intangibleAssets: | 1779.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 6668.0000 | inventories: | 3529.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 3455.0000 | accountsPayable: | 3955.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 24672.0000 | longTermDebt: | 6577.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 967.0000 | minorityInterests: | 7131.0000 |
sales: | 40531.0000 | depreciation: | 2463.0000 |
netIncome: | 1480.0000 | operatingResult: | 5226.0000 |
incomeInterest: | 58.0000 | investments: | 222.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 2687.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 366.0000 |
revenuePerEmployee: | 1968288.6558 | cashFlow: | 5709.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -3027.0000 | cashFlowFinancing: | -3771.0000 |
accountingStandard: | IFRS | equityRatio: | 35.9987 |
debtEquityRatio: | 177.7881 | liquidityI: | 70.2823 |
liquidityII: | 105.3727 | netMargin: | 3.6515 |
cashFlowMargin: | 14.0855 | ebitMargin: | 12.8938 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 | preTaxROE: | 25.2440 |
preTaxROA: | 9.0875 | roe: | 8.1149 |
roa: | 2.9213 | netIncomeGrowth: | -59.2735 |
revenuesGrowth: | -37.4628 | taxExpenseRate: | 58.3623 |
equityTurnover: | 2.2223 | epsBasic: | 4.5300 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -59.2626 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4604.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 8.7792 | priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.2775 |
dividendYield: | 12.6980 | bookValuePerShare: | 55.7838 |
marketCap: | 13002439473.6900 | earningsYield: | 11.3905 |
pegRatio: | -0.1481 | cashFlowPerShare: | 17.4619 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 77.5951 | priceBookValueRatio: | 0.7129 |
dividendsPerShare: | 5.0500 | priceEarningsRatio: | 8.7854 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.5268 | currency: | EUR |
year: | 2024 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 8.9183 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.3136 | dividendYield: | 12.5000 |
bookValuePerShare: | 55.7838 | marketCap: | 13208412737.6791 |
earningsYield: | 11.2129 | pegRatio: | -0.1505 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 17.4619 | netAssetsPerShare: | 55.7838 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 0.7242 | priceEarningsRatio: | 8.9246 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.5268 | currency: | EUR |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 56429.0000 |
cash: | 8090.0000 |
currentAssets: | 22369.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 32384.0000 |
liabilities: | 13567.0000 |
nonCurrentLiabilities: | 15607.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 56429.0000 |
provisions: | 6869.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 19149.0000 |
employees: | 22308 |
property: | 19317.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 2510.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 9293.0000 |
inventories: | 4834.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 4222.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 5259.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 29174.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 9200.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 3745.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 7478.0000 |
sales: | 64811.0000 |
depreciation: | 2484.0000 |
netIncome: | 3634.0000 |
operatingResult: | 12246.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -148.0000 |
investments: | 250.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 5590.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 1470.0000 |
revenuePerEmployee: | 2905280.6168 |
cashFlow: | 7758.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -1966.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -2660.0000 |
accountingStandard: | IFRS |
equityRatio: | 33.9347 |
debtEquityRatio: | 194.6838 |
liquidityI: | 59.6300 |
liquidityII: | 90.7496 |
netMargin: | 5.6071 |
cashFlowMargin: | 11.9702 |
ebitMargin: | 18.8949 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 56.2170 |
preTaxROA: | 19.0771 |
roe: | 18.9775 |
roa: | 6.4400 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 73.6264 |
revenuesGrowth: | 82.2838 |
taxExpenseRate: | 51.9275 |
equityTurnover: | 3.3846 |
epsBasic: | 11.1200 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 73.7500 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 10765.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 4.3255 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.0268 |
dividendYield: | 10.4990 |
bookValuePerShare: | 58.5779 |
marketCap: | 15723782400.3000 |
earningsYield: | 23.1185 |
pegRatio: | 0.0587 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 23.7322 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 81.4536 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 0.8211 |
dividendsPerShare: | 5.0500 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 4.3269 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 11.1166 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2023 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 50663.0000 |
cash: | 6920.0000 |
currentAssets: | 17432.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 31559.0000 |
liabilities: | 9846.0000 |
nonCurrentLiabilities: | 14826.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 50663.0000 |
provisions: | 7275.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 18238.0000 |
employees: | 20592 |
property: | 20081.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 1779.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 6668.0000 |
inventories: | 3529.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 3455.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 3955.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 24672.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 6577.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 967.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 7131.0000 |
sales: | 40531.0000 |
depreciation: | 2463.0000 |
netIncome: | 1480.0000 |
operatingResult: | 5226.0000 |
incomeInterest: | 58.0000 |
investments: | 222.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 2687.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 366.0000 |
revenuePerEmployee: | 1968288.6558 |
cashFlow: | 5709.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -3027.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -3771.0000 |
accountingStandard: | IFRS |
equityRatio: | 35.9987 |
debtEquityRatio: | 177.7881 |
liquidityI: | 70.2823 |
liquidityII: | 105.3727 |
netMargin: | 3.6515 |
cashFlowMargin: | 14.0855 |
ebitMargin: | 12.8938 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 25.2440 |
preTaxROA: | 9.0875 |
roe: | 8.1149 |
roa: | 2.9213 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -59.2735 |
revenuesGrowth: | -37.4628 |
taxExpenseRate: | 58.3623 |
equityTurnover: | 2.2223 |
epsBasic: | 4.5300 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -59.2626 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 4604.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 8.7792 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.2775 |
dividendYield: | 12.6980 |
bookValuePerShare: | 55.7838 |
marketCap: | 13002439473.6900 |
earningsYield: | 11.3905 |
pegRatio: | -0.1481 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 17.4619 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 77.5951 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 0.7129 |
dividendsPerShare: | 5.0500 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 8.7854 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.5268 |
currency: | EUR |
year: | 2024 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 8.9183 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 2.3136 |
dividendYield: | 12.5000 |
bookValuePerShare: | 55.7838 |
marketCap: | 13208412737.6791 |
earningsYield: | 11.2129 |
pegRatio: | -0.1505 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 17.4619 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 55.7838 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 0.7242 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 8.9246 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.5268 |
currency: | EUR |