Paychex Inc. ist in den USA ein führender Finanz- und Personaldienstleister. Zum Portfolio von Paychex Inc. gehören Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungsservices, sowie Personaldienstleistungen. Innerhalb der USA bietet das Unternehmen für über 570.000 Kleinbetriebe und Mittelständler Gehaltsabrechnungsdienste an, welche die Vorbereitung von Gehaltsschecks, Geschäftsbücher und Steuererklärungen auf Staats-, Bundesstaats- und lokaler Ebene umfassen. Für den Bereich Human Resource and Benefits hat das Unternehmen unter anderem ein Komplettpaket für Personaldienstleitungen im Sortiment. Das PAS-Paket (Paychex Administrative Services) enthält beispielsweise Gehaltsabrechnung, Verwaltung von Mitarbeitergratifikationen und Arbeitnehmerrisikomanagement. Darüber hinaus bietet Paychex Unfallversicherungen, Krankenversicherungen und Gruppenversicherungen sowie Sparpläne für die Altersvorsorge an.
endOfFinancialYear: | 31.05.2023 00:00 |
stockholderStructure: | Vanguard Group Inc (8.48%),Blackrock Inc (7.94%),Capital International Investors (5.8%),State Street Corporation (3.62%),Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation (3.04%),Wells Fargo & Company (2.68%),Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc (2.53%),Geode Capital Management, LLC (2.5%),Bank of America Corporation (1.65%),Morgan Stanley (1.19%) |
sharesOutstanding: | 360063074.0000 |
ceo: | John Gibson |
board: | Efrain Rivera, John Gibson, Liz Roaldsen, Kate Boatman, Neal Collins, John Connors, Chris DeSalvo, Frank Fiorille, Tom Hammond, Michael Jeffrey, Ted Jordan, Maureen Lally, Michael Majors, Michael Gioja, Karen McClendon, Deb McGuire, Stephanie Schaeffer, Bradley Schaufenbuel, Bob Schrader, Christopher Simmons, Terry Sukalski, Mick Whittemore, Jeff Williams, Mark Bottini |
supervisoryBoard: | Martin Mucci, B. Thomas Golisano, David J. S. Flaschen, Joseph G. Doody, Joseph M. Tucci, Joseph M. Velli, Kara Wilson, Kevin A. Price, Pamela A. Joseph, Thomas F. Bonadio, Theresa M. Payton |
countryID: | 20 |
freeFloat: | 73.4000 |
faceValue: | 0.0100 |
faceValueCurrencyID: | 4 |
faceValueCurrency: | USD |
sectorName: | Allgemeine Industriedienstleistungen |
industryName: | Industrie |
subsectorName: | Arbeitsvermittlung |
country: | USA |
countryName: | USA |
name: | Terri Allen |
phone: | 800-828-4411 |
email: | |
irWebSite: | |
street: | 911 Panorama Trail South |
city: | Rochester, New York 14625-0397, USA |
phone: | +1-585-385-6666 |
webSite: | |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2022 | cash: | 370.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 9635.2000 | liabilities: | 6550.0000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 3085.2000 |
sales: | 4611.7000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1824.6000 |
netIncome: | 1392.8000 | cashFlow: | -894.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | cash: | 1222.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10546.4000 | liabilities: | 7053.2000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 3493.2000 |
sales: | 5007.1000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2048.2000 |
netIncome: | 1557.3000 | cashFlow: | 1206.5000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | cash: | 1468.9000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10383.1000 | liabilities: | 6582.1000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 3801.0000 |
sales: | 5278.3000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2218.0000 |
netIncome: | 1690.4000 | cashFlow: | -237.9000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2022 |
cash: | 370.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 9635.2000 |
liabilities: | 6550.0000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3085.2000 |
sales: | 4611.7000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 1824.6000 |
netIncome: | 1392.8000 |
cashFlow: | -894.7000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
cash: | 1222.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10546.4000 |
liabilities: | 7053.2000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3493.2000 |
sales: | 5007.1000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2048.2000 |
netIncome: | 1557.3000 |
cashFlow: | 1206.5000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
cash: | 1468.9000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10383.1000 |
liabilities: | 6582.1000 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3801.0000 |
sales: | 5278.3000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2218.0000 |
netIncome: | 1690.4000 |
cashFlow: | -237.9000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2023 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10546.4000 | cash: | 1222.0000 |
currentAssets: | 7528.1000 | fixedAssets: | 3018.3000 |
liabilities: | 5805.4000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 10546.4000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3493.2000 | property: | 396.3000 |
intangibleAssets: | 187.4000 | longTermInvestments: | 3.8000 |
accountsReceivable: | 873.3000 | accountsPayable: | 84.7000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 7053.2000 | longTermDebt: | 798.2000 |
shortTermDebt: | 10.2000 | commonStock: | 3.6000 |
sales: | 5007.1000 | depreciation: | 176.6000 |
netIncome: | 1557.3000 | operatingResult: | 2033.1000 |
incomeInterest: | 15.1000 | incomeTaxes: | 490.9000 |
costGoodsSold: | 1453.0000 | grossProfit: | 3554.1000 |
cashFlow: | 1699.4000 | cashFlowInvesting: | 218.5000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -711.4000 | cashFlowTotal: | 1206.5000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 33.1222 |
debtEquityRatio: | 0.2314 | liquidityI: | 0.2105 |
liquidityII: | 0.3609 | netMargin: | 31.1018 |
grossMargin: | 70.9812 | cashFlowMargin: | 33.9398 |
ebitMargin: | 40.6043 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 58.6339 | preTaxROA: | 19.4208 |
roe: | 44.5809 | roa: | 14.7662 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 11.8107 | revenuesGrowth: | 8.5738 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.9674 | equityTurnover: | 1.4334 |
epsBasic: | 4.3200 | epsDiluted: | 4.3000 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 11.9171 | shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2048.2000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 24.2894 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 22.2620 | dividendYield: | 3.1068 |
bookValuePerShare: | 9.6886 | marketCap: | 37832068695.4000 |
earningsYield: | 4.1170 | pegRatio: | 2.0382 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 4.7134 | priceBookValueRatio: | 10.8302 |
dividendsPerShare: | 3.2600 | priceEarningsRatio: | 24.2934 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.3193 | currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10383.1000 | cash: | 1468.9000 |
currentAssets: | 7251.5000 | fixedAssets: | 3131.6000 |
liabilities: | 5309.1000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 10383.1000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3801.0000 | property: | 411.7000 |
intangibleAssets: | 194.5000 | longTermInvestments: | 3.7000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1059.6000 | accountsPayable: | 104.3000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 6582.1000 | longTermDebt: | 798.6000 |
shortTermDebt: | 18.7000 | commonStock: | 3.6000 |
sales: | 5278.3000 | depreciation: | 176.5000 |
netIncome: | 1690.4000 | operatingResult: | 2174.1000 |
incomeInterest: | 43.9000 | incomeTaxes: | 527.6000 |
costGoodsSold: | 1479.3000 | grossProfit: | 3799.0000 |
cashFlow: | 1897.7000 | cashFlowInvesting: | -260.9000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -1874.7000 | cashFlowTotal: | -237.9000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 36.6076 |
debtEquityRatio: | 0.2150 | liquidityI: | 0.2767 |
liquidityII: | 0.4763 | netMargin: | 32.0255 |
grossMargin: | 71.9739 | cashFlowMargin: | 35.9529 |
ebitMargin: | 41.1894 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 58.3531 | preTaxROA: | 21.3616 |
roe: | 44.4725 | roa: | 16.2803 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 8.5468 | revenuesGrowth: | 5.4163 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.7872 | equityTurnover: | 1.3887 |
epsBasic: | 4.6900 | epsDiluted: | 4.6700 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 8.5648 | shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2218.0000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 25.6205 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 22.8028 | dividendYield: | 3.0376 |
bookValuePerShare: | 10.5546 | marketCap: | 43272849625.7600 |
earningsYield: | 3.9031 | pegRatio: | 2.9914 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 5.2695 | priceBookValueRatio: | 11.3846 |
dividendsPerShare: | 3.6500 | priceEarningsRatio: | 25.5992 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.6939 | currency: | USD |
year: | 2025 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 31.9851 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 28.4674 | dividendYield: | 2.4332 |
bookValuePerShare: | 10.5546 | marketCap: | 54013061730.7400 |
earningsYield: | 3.1265 | pegRatio: | 3.7345 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 5.2695 | netAssetsPerShare: | 10.5546 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 14.2127 | priceEarningsRatio: | 31.9585 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.6939 | currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2023 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10546.4000 |
cash: | 1222.0000 |
currentAssets: | 7528.1000 |
fixedAssets: | 3018.3000 |
liabilities: | 5805.4000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 10546.4000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3493.2000 |
property: | 396.3000 |
intangibleAssets: | 187.4000 |
longTermInvestments: | 3.8000 |
accountsReceivable: | 873.3000 |
accountsPayable: | 84.7000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 7053.2000 |
longTermDebt: | 798.2000 |
shortTermDebt: | 10.2000 |
commonStock: | 3.6000 |
sales: | 5007.1000 |
depreciation: | 176.6000 |
netIncome: | 1557.3000 |
operatingResult: | 2033.1000 |
incomeInterest: | 15.1000 |
incomeTaxes: | 490.9000 |
costGoodsSold: | 1453.0000 |
grossProfit: | 3554.1000 |
cashFlow: | 1699.4000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | 218.5000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -711.4000 |
cashFlowTotal: | 1206.5000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 33.1222 |
debtEquityRatio: | 0.2314 |
liquidityI: | 0.2105 |
liquidityII: | 0.3609 |
netMargin: | 31.1018 |
grossMargin: | 70.9812 |
cashFlowMargin: | 33.9398 |
ebitMargin: | 40.6043 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 58.6339 |
preTaxROA: | 19.4208 |
roe: | 44.5809 |
roa: | 14.7662 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 11.8107 |
revenuesGrowth: | 8.5738 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.9674 |
equityTurnover: | 1.4334 |
epsBasic: | 4.3200 |
epsDiluted: | 4.3000 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 11.9171 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2048.2000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 24.2894 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 22.2620 |
dividendYield: | 3.1068 |
bookValuePerShare: | 9.6886 |
marketCap: | 37832068695.4000 |
earningsYield: | 4.1170 |
pegRatio: | 2.0382 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 4.7134 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 10.8302 |
dividendsPerShare: | 3.2600 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 24.2934 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.3193 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 10383.1000 |
cash: | 1468.9000 |
currentAssets: | 7251.5000 |
fixedAssets: | 3131.6000 |
liabilities: | 5309.1000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 10383.1000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 3801.0000 |
property: | 411.7000 |
intangibleAssets: | 194.5000 |
longTermInvestments: | 3.7000 |
accountsReceivable: | 1059.6000 |
accountsPayable: | 104.3000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 6582.1000 |
longTermDebt: | 798.6000 |
shortTermDebt: | 18.7000 |
commonStock: | 3.6000 |
sales: | 5278.3000 |
depreciation: | 176.5000 |
netIncome: | 1690.4000 |
operatingResult: | 2174.1000 |
incomeInterest: | 43.9000 |
incomeTaxes: | 527.6000 |
costGoodsSold: | 1479.3000 |
grossProfit: | 3799.0000 |
cashFlow: | 1897.7000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -260.9000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -1874.7000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -237.9000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 36.6076 |
debtEquityRatio: | 0.2150 |
liquidityI: | 0.2767 |
liquidityII: | 0.4763 |
netMargin: | 32.0255 |
grossMargin: | 71.9739 |
cashFlowMargin: | 35.9529 |
ebitMargin: | 41.1894 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 58.3531 |
preTaxROA: | 21.3616 |
roe: | 44.4725 |
roa: | 16.2803 |
netIncomeGrowth: | 8.5468 |
revenuesGrowth: | 5.4163 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.7872 |
equityTurnover: | 1.3887 |
epsBasic: | 4.6900 |
epsDiluted: | 4.6700 |
epsBasicGrowth: | 8.5648 |
shareCapital: | 3.6000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 2218.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 25.6205 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 22.8028 |
dividendYield: | 3.0376 |
bookValuePerShare: | 10.5546 |
marketCap: | 43272849625.7600 |
earningsYield: | 3.9031 |
pegRatio: | 2.9914 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 5.2695 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 11.3846 |
dividendsPerShare: | 3.6500 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 25.5992 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.6939 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2025 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 31.9851 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 28.4674 |
dividendYield: | 2.4332 |
bookValuePerShare: | 10.5546 |
marketCap: | 54013061730.7400 |
earningsYield: | 3.1265 |
pegRatio: | 3.7345 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 5.2695 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 10.5546 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 14.2127 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 31.9585 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 4.6939 |
currency: | USD |