The Kraft Heinz Company

28,30 EUR 0,43 (+1,52%)
Bid 28,30 EUR
Ask 28,33 EUR



Die Kraft Heinz Company gehört weltweit zu den größten Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeunternehmen. Zur Produktpalette zählen Fertiggerichte, Erfrischungsgetränke, Kaffee, Käse und weitere Lebensmittel. Das Portfolio umfasst einige der beliebtesten Lebensmittelmarken Nordamerikas: Kraft, Heinz, ABC, Capri Sun, Classico, Jell-O, Kool-Aid, Lunchables, Maxwell House, Ore-Ida, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia, Planters, Plasmon, Quero, Weight Watchers Smart Ones und Velveeta. Die Kraft Heinz Company entstand 2015 durch die Fusion der Kraft Foods Group und der H. J. Heinz Company.


endOfFinancialYear: 31.12.2023 00:00
stockholderStructure: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (26.8167%),BlackRock Inc. (7.46499%),Vanguard Group (5.79749%),State Street Corporation (3.14716%),Bank of America Corp. (2.06342%),Invesco Ltd. (1.99626%),Capital International Investors (1.97195%),GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC (1.33299%),PRICE T ROWE ASSOCIATES INC MD (1.2737%),Morgan Stanley (1.06571%)
sharesOutstanding: 1209174894.0000
ceo: Carlos Abrams-Rivera
board: Andre Maciel, Flavio Torres, Kathy Krenger, Marcos Eloi Lima, Melissa Werneck, Rafael Oliveira, Rashida La Lande
supervisoryBoard: Miguel Patricio, Elio Leoni Sceti, Gregory Abel, John C. Pope, John T. Cahill, Lori Dickerson Fouché, Susan Mulder, Timothy Kenesey, Humberto P. Alfonso, Diane Gherson, Alicia Knapp, James Park
countryID: 20
freeFloat: 58.3000
faceValue: 0.0100
faceValueCurrencyID: 4
faceValueCurrency: USD
sectorName: Getränke und Nahrungsmittelhersteller
industryName: Konsumgüter
subsectorName: Nahrungsmittelhersteller
country: USA
countryName: USA


phone: +1-855-598-5493


street: One PPG Place
city: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, USA
phone: +1-847-561-1246

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021 cash: 3445.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 93394.0000 liabilities: 43946.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 49448.0000
sales: 26042.0000 investment: 0.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1708.0000 netIncome: 1012.0000
cashFlow: 28.0000 employees: 36000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022 cash: 1040.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 90513.0000 liabilities: 41683.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 48830.0000
sales: 26485.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 2966.0000
netIncome: 2363.0000 cashFlow: -2405.0000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023 cash: 1400.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 90339.0000 liabilities: 40651.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000 totalShareholdersEquity: 49688.0000
sales: 26640.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 3633.0000
netIncome: 2855.0000 cashFlow: 363.0000
currencyID: 4 units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (kurz)

year: 2021
cash: 3445.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 93394.0000
liabilities: 43946.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 49448.0000
sales: 26042.0000
investment: 0.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 1708.0000
netIncome: 1012.0000
cashFlow: 28.0000
employees: 36000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2022
cash: 1040.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 90513.0000
liabilities: 41683.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 48830.0000
sales: 26485.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 2966.0000
netIncome: 2363.0000
cashFlow: -2405.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD
year: 2023
cash: 1400.0000
balanceSheetTotal: 90339.0000
liabilities: 40651.0000
shareCapital: 12.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 49688.0000
sales: 26640.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 3633.0000
netIncome: 2855.0000
cashFlow: 363.0000
currencyID: 4
units: 1000000
currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 90513.0000 cash: 1040.0000
currentAssets: 7897.0000 fixedAssets: 82616.0000
liabilities: 9028.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 90513.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 48830.0000 property: 6740.0000
intangibleAssets: 42649.0000 inventories: 3651.0000
accountsReceivable: 2120.0000 accountsPayable: 4848.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 41683.0000 longTermDebt: 19233.0000
shortTermDebt: 837.0000 minorityInterests: 152.0000
commonStock: 12.0000 sales: 26485.0000
netIncome: 2363.0000 operatingResult: 3634.0000
incomeInterest: -921.0000 incomeTaxes: 598.0000
costGoodsSold: 18363.0000 grossProfit: 8122.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: 5.0000 cashFlow: 2469.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -1091.0000 cashFlowFinancing: -3714.0000
cashFlowTotal: -2405.0000 accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 53.9481 debtEquityRatio: 0.4110
liquidityI: 0.1152 liquidityII: 0.3500
netMargin: 8.9220 grossMargin: 30.6664
cashFlowMargin: 9.3223 ebitMargin: 13.7210
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 6.0741
preTaxROA: 3.2769 roe: 4.8392
roa: 2.6107 netIncomeGrowth: 133.4980
revenuesGrowth: 1.7011 taxExpenseRate: 20.1618
equityTurnover: 0.5424 epsBasic: 1.9300
epsDiluted: 1.9100 epsBasicGrowth: 132.5301
shareCapital: 12.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 2966.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 21.0933 priceCashFlowRatio: 20.1984
dividendYield: 3.9302 bookValuePerShare: 39.8611
marketCap: 49869887477.6700 earningsYield: 4.7408
pegRatio: 0.1592 cashFlowPerShare: 2.0155
netAssetsPerShare: 39.9852 priceBookValueRatio: 1.0213
dividendsPerShare: 1.6000 priceEarningsRatio: 21.1045
netEarningsPerShare: 1.9290 currency: USD
year: 2023 units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 90339.0000 cash: 1400.0000
currentAssets: 7929.0000 fixedAssets: 82410.0000
liabilities: 8037.0000 totalLiabilitiesEquity: 90339.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 49688.0000 property: 7122.0000
intangibleAssets: 42448.0000 inventories: 3614.0000
accountsReceivable: 2112.0000 accountsPayable: 4627.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 40651.0000 longTermDebt: 19394.0000
shortTermDebt: 638.0000 minorityInterests: 162.0000
commonStock: 12.0000 sales: 26640.0000
netIncome: 2855.0000 operatingResult: 4572.0000
incomeInterest: -912.0000 incomeTaxes: 787.0000
costGoodsSold: 17714.0000 grossProfit: 8926.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: -9.0000 cashFlow: 3976.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -916.0000 cashFlowFinancing: -2678.0000
cashFlowTotal: 363.0000 accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 55.0017 debtEquityRatio: 0.4032
liquidityI: 0.1742 liquidityII: 0.4370
netMargin: 10.7170 grossMargin: 33.5060
cashFlowMargin: 14.9249 ebitMargin: 17.1622
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000 preTaxROE: 7.3116
preTaxROA: 4.0215 roe: 5.7459
roa: 3.1603 netIncomeGrowth: 20.8210
revenuesGrowth: 0.5852 taxExpenseRate: 21.6625
equityTurnover: 0.5361 epsBasic: 2.3300
epsDiluted: 2.3100 epsBasicGrowth: 20.7254
shareCapital: 12.0000 incomeBeforeTaxes: 3633.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 15.8712 priceCashFlowRatio: 11.2828
dividendYield: 4.3267 bookValuePerShare: 40.9595
marketCap: 44860430123.2600 earningsYield: 6.3007
pegRatio: 0.7658 cashFlowPerShare: 3.2776
netAssetsPerShare: 41.0931 priceBookValueRatio: 0.9028
dividendsPerShare: 1.6000 priceEarningsRatio: 15.7129
netEarningsPerShare: 2.3535 currency: USD
year: 2024 priceEarningsRatioCompany: 12.5150
priceCashFlowRatio: 8.8969 dividendYield: 5.4870
bookValuePerShare: 40.9595 marketCap: 35259539909.0400
earningsYield: 7.9904 pegRatio: 0.6038
cashFlowPerShare: 3.2776 netAssetsPerShare: 40.9595
priceBookValueRatio: 0.7119 priceEarningsRatio: 12.3902
netEarningsPerShare: 2.3535 currency: USD

Finanzen (ausführlich)

year: 2022
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 90513.0000
cash: 1040.0000
currentAssets: 7897.0000
fixedAssets: 82616.0000
liabilities: 9028.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 90513.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 48830.0000
property: 6740.0000
intangibleAssets: 42649.0000
inventories: 3651.0000
accountsReceivable: 2120.0000
accountsPayable: 4848.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 41683.0000
longTermDebt: 19233.0000
shortTermDebt: 837.0000
minorityInterests: 152.0000
commonStock: 12.0000
sales: 26485.0000
netIncome: 2363.0000
operatingResult: 3634.0000
incomeInterest: -921.0000
incomeTaxes: 598.0000
costGoodsSold: 18363.0000
grossProfit: 8122.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: 5.0000
cashFlow: 2469.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -1091.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -3714.0000
cashFlowTotal: -2405.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 53.9481
debtEquityRatio: 0.4110
liquidityI: 0.1152
liquidityII: 0.3500
netMargin: 8.9220
grossMargin: 30.6664
cashFlowMargin: 9.3223
ebitMargin: 13.7210
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 6.0741
preTaxROA: 3.2769
roe: 4.8392
roa: 2.6107
netIncomeGrowth: 133.4980
revenuesGrowth: 1.7011
taxExpenseRate: 20.1618
equityTurnover: 0.5424
epsBasic: 1.9300
epsDiluted: 1.9100
epsBasicGrowth: 132.5301
shareCapital: 12.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 2966.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 21.0933
priceCashFlowRatio: 20.1984
dividendYield: 3.9302
bookValuePerShare: 39.8611
marketCap: 49869887477.6700
earningsYield: 4.7408
pegRatio: 0.1592
cashFlowPerShare: 2.0155
netAssetsPerShare: 39.9852
priceBookValueRatio: 1.0213
dividendsPerShare: 1.6000
priceEarningsRatio: 21.1045
netEarningsPerShare: 1.9290
currency: USD
year: 2023
units: 1000000
balanceSheetTotal: 90339.0000
cash: 1400.0000
currentAssets: 7929.0000
fixedAssets: 82410.0000
liabilities: 8037.0000
totalLiabilitiesEquity: 90339.0000
totalShareholdersEquity: 49688.0000
property: 7122.0000
intangibleAssets: 42448.0000
inventories: 3614.0000
accountsReceivable: 2112.0000
accountsPayable: 4627.0000
liabilitiesTotal: 40651.0000
longTermDebt: 19394.0000
shortTermDebt: 638.0000
minorityInterests: 162.0000
commonStock: 12.0000
sales: 26640.0000
netIncome: 2855.0000
operatingResult: 4572.0000
incomeInterest: -912.0000
incomeTaxes: 787.0000
costGoodsSold: 17714.0000
grossProfit: 8926.0000
minorityInterestsProfit: -9.0000
cashFlow: 3976.0000
cashFlowInvesting: -916.0000
cashFlowFinancing: -2678.0000
cashFlowTotal: 363.0000
accountingStandard: US GAAP
equityRatio: 55.0017
debtEquityRatio: 0.4032
liquidityI: 0.1742
liquidityII: 0.4370
netMargin: 10.7170
grossMargin: 33.5060
cashFlowMargin: 14.9249
ebitMargin: 17.1622
ebitdaMargin: 0.0000
preTaxROE: 7.3116
preTaxROA: 4.0215
roe: 5.7459
roa: 3.1603
netIncomeGrowth: 20.8210
revenuesGrowth: 0.5852
taxExpenseRate: 21.6625
equityTurnover: 0.5361
epsBasic: 2.3300
epsDiluted: 2.3100
epsBasicGrowth: 20.7254
shareCapital: 12.0000
incomeBeforeTaxes: 3633.0000
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 15.8712
priceCashFlowRatio: 11.2828
dividendYield: 4.3267
bookValuePerShare: 40.9595
marketCap: 44860430123.2600
earningsYield: 6.3007
pegRatio: 0.7658
cashFlowPerShare: 3.2776
netAssetsPerShare: 41.0931
priceBookValueRatio: 0.9028
dividendsPerShare: 1.6000
priceEarningsRatio: 15.7129
netEarningsPerShare: 2.3535
currency: USD
year: 2024
priceEarningsRatioCompany: 12.5150
priceCashFlowRatio: 8.8969
dividendYield: 5.4870
bookValuePerShare: 40.9595
marketCap: 35259539909.0400
earningsYield: 7.9904
pegRatio: 0.6038
cashFlowPerShare: 3.2776
netAssetsPerShare: 40.9595
priceBookValueRatio: 0.7119
priceEarningsRatio: 12.3902
netEarningsPerShare: 2.3535
currency: USD