Verizon Communications Inc. ist ein weltweit führender Telekommunikationsanbieter in den Bereichen Mobilfunk, Internet und Festnetz. Das Unternehmen zählt zu einem der größten US-amerikanischen Mobilfunkanbieter, mit rund 100 Millionen Kunden allein auf dem amerikanischen Mobilfunkmarkt. Das Angebotsspektrum umfasst hier mobile Kommunikationsprodukte und Datendienste für Privat- und Geschäftskunden sowie den Verkauf der entsprechenden Geräte und Accessoires wie Headsets, Bluetooth, Displayschutzhüllen und Akkus. Im Gerätebereich vertreibt das Unternehmen Handys, Smartphones, Tablet-PCs, USB-Modems und Netbooks aller großen Marken wie Apple, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, LG und Motorola. Der Festnetzmarkt als zweites Standbein des Unternehmens wird mit Telekommunikationsleistungen wie Festnetz-Telefonie, Internetzugängen, Breitband-Video und Datenstreaming und Dienstleistungen im Netzwerk-Bereich versorgt. 2017 übernahm Verizon das operative Geschäft des Internet-Pioneers Yahoo.
endOfFinancialYear: | 31.12.2024 00:00 |
stockholderStructure: | Vanguard Group Inc (8.33%),Blackrock Inc. (8.28%),State Street Corp (4.36%),Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc (2.21%),Geode Capital Management. Llc (2.05%),Morgan Stanley (1.88%),Norges Bank (1.19%),Northern Trust Corp (1%) |
sharesOutstanding: | 4209626270.0000 |
ceo: | Hans Vestberg |
board: | Tony Skiadas, Sowmyanarayan Sampath, Kyle Malady, Shankar Arumugavelu, Leslie Berland, Donna Epps, Samantha Hammock, Joe Russo, Stacy Sharpe, Vandana Venkatesh |
supervisoryBoard: | Hans Vestberg, Daniel H. Schulman, Shellye L. Archambeau, Roxanne S. Austin, Mark T. Bertolini, Vittorio Colao, Caroline Litchfield, Laxman Narasimhan, Clarence Otis, Jr., Rodney E. Slater, Carol B. Tomé |
countryID: | 20 |
freeFloat: | 85.4000 |
faceValue: | 0.1000 |
faceValueCurrencyID: | 4 |
faceValueCurrency: | USD |
sectorName: | Mobilnetz |
industryName: | Telekommunikation |
country: | USA |
countryName: | USA |
name: | Brady Connor |
email: | |
irWebSite: | |
street: | 1095 Avenue of the Americas |
city: | New York, New York 10036, USA |
phone: | +1-212-395-1000 |
webSite: | |
email: | |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 | cash: | 2921.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 366596.0000 | liabilities: | 283396.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 83200.0000 |
sales: | 133613.0000 | bankLoans: | 48654.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 29420.0000 | netIncome: | 22065.0000 |
cashFlow: | -19337.0000 | employees: | 118400 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2022 | cash: | 2605.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 | liabilities: | 287217.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 | cashFlow: | -50.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | cash: | 2065.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 | liabilities: | 286456.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 | cashFlow: | -614.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 |
cash: | 2921.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 366596.0000 |
liabilities: | 283396.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 83200.0000 |
sales: | 133613.0000 |
bankLoans: | 48654.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 29420.0000 |
netIncome: | 22065.0000 |
cashFlow: | -19337.0000 |
employees: | 118400 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2022 |
cash: | 2605.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 |
liabilities: | 287217.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
cashFlow: | -50.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
cash: | 2065.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 |
liabilities: | 286456.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
cashFlow: | -614.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 | cash: | 2605.0000 |
currentAssets: | 37857.0000 | fixedAssets: | 341823.0000 |
liabilities: | 50171.0000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 379680.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 | property: | 107434.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 161257.0000 | longTermInvestments: | 1071.0000 |
inventories: | 2388.0000 | accountsReceivable: | 24506.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 8750.0000 | liabilitiesTotal: | 287217.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 140676.0000 | shortTermDebt: | 9963.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1319.0000 | commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 | sales: | 136835.0000 |
depreciation: | 17099.0000 | netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
operatingResult: | 30467.0000 | incomeInterest: | -3613.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 6523.0000 | costGoodsSold: | 59133.0000 |
grossProfit: | 77702.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 492.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37141.0000 | cashFlowInvesting: | -28662.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -8529.0000 | cashFlowTotal: | -50.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 24.3529 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6292 | liquidityI: | 0.0519 |
liquidityII: | 0.5404 | netMargin: | 15.5340 |
grossMargin: | 56.7852 | cashFlowMargin: | 27.1429 |
ebitMargin: | 22.2655 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 30.5755 | preTaxROA: | 7.4460 |
roe: | 22.9887 | roa: | 5.5984 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -3.6664 | revenuesGrowth: | 2.4114 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.0731 | equityTurnover: | 1.4799 |
epsBasic: | 5.0600 | epsDiluted: | 5.0600 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -4.8872 | shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 7.7866 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4553 | dividendYield: | 6.5609 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.0156 | marketCap: | 165475387717.8000 |
earningsYield: | 12.8426 | pegRatio: | -1.5933 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.8433 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3297 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7896 | dividendsPerShare: | 2.5850 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 7.7849 | netEarningsPerShare: | 5.0611 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 | cash: | 2065.0000 |
currentAssets: | 36814.0000 | fixedAssets: | 343441.0000 |
liabilities: | 53223.0000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 380255.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 | property: | 108310.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 166724.0000 | longTermInvestments: | 953.0000 |
inventories: | 2057.0000 | accountsReceivable: | 25085.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 10021.0000 | liabilitiesTotal: | 286456.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 137701.0000 | shortTermDebt: | 12973.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1369.0000 | commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 | sales: | 133974.0000 |
depreciation: | 17624.0000 | netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
operatingResult: | 22877.0000 | incomeInterest: | -5524.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 4892.0000 | costGoodsSold: | 54887.0000 |
grossProfit: | 79087.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 481.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37475.0000 | cashFlowInvesting: | -23432.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -14657.0000 | cashFlowTotal: | -614.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 24.6674 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6063 | liquidityI: | 0.0388 |
liquidityII: | 0.5101 | netMargin: | 8.6688 |
grossMargin: | 59.0316 | cashFlowMargin: | 27.9718 |
ebitMargin: | 17.0757 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 18.1100 | preTaxROA: | 4.4673 |
roe: | 12.3818 | roa: | 3.0543 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -45.3613 | revenuesGrowth: | -2.0908 |
taxExpenseRate: | 28.7985 | equityTurnover: | 1.4283 |
epsBasic: | 2.7600 | epsDiluted: | 2.7500 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -45.4545 | shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.6594 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.2295 | dividendYield: | 6.9894 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 | marketCap: | 158501071101.1000 |
earningsYield: | 7.3210 | pegRatio: | -0.3005 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.6360 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.6898 | dividendsPerShare: | 2.6350 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 13.6474 | netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 14.4493 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4741 | dividendYield: | 6.6073 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 | marketCap: | 167879895647.6000 |
earningsYield: | 6.9208 | pegRatio: | -0.3179 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3104 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7875 | priceEarningsRatio: | 14.4366 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 | currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 |
cash: | 2605.0000 |
currentAssets: | 37857.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 341823.0000 |
liabilities: | 50171.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 379680.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
property: | 107434.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 161257.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 1071.0000 |
inventories: | 2388.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 24506.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 8750.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 287217.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 140676.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 9963.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1319.0000 |
commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 |
depreciation: | 17099.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
operatingResult: | 30467.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -3613.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 6523.0000 |
costGoodsSold: | 59133.0000 |
grossProfit: | 77702.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 492.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37141.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -28662.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -8529.0000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -50.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 24.3529 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6292 |
liquidityI: | 0.0519 |
liquidityII: | 0.5404 |
netMargin: | 15.5340 |
grossMargin: | 56.7852 |
cashFlowMargin: | 27.1429 |
ebitMargin: | 22.2655 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 30.5755 |
preTaxROA: | 7.4460 |
roe: | 22.9887 |
roa: | 5.5984 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -3.6664 |
revenuesGrowth: | 2.4114 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.0731 |
equityTurnover: | 1.4799 |
epsBasic: | 5.0600 |
epsDiluted: | 5.0600 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -4.8872 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 7.7866 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4553 |
dividendYield: | 6.5609 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.0156 |
marketCap: | 165475387717.8000 |
earningsYield: | 12.8426 |
pegRatio: | -1.5933 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.8433 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3297 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7896 |
dividendsPerShare: | 2.5850 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 7.7849 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 5.0611 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 |
cash: | 2065.0000 |
currentAssets: | 36814.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 343441.0000 |
liabilities: | 53223.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 380255.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
property: | 108310.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 166724.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 953.0000 |
inventories: | 2057.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 25085.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 10021.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 286456.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 137701.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 12973.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1369.0000 |
commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 |
depreciation: | 17624.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
operatingResult: | 22877.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -5524.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 4892.0000 |
costGoodsSold: | 54887.0000 |
grossProfit: | 79087.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 481.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37475.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -23432.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -14657.0000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -614.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 24.6674 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6063 |
liquidityI: | 0.0388 |
liquidityII: | 0.5101 |
netMargin: | 8.6688 |
grossMargin: | 59.0316 |
cashFlowMargin: | 27.9718 |
ebitMargin: | 17.0757 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 18.1100 |
preTaxROA: | 4.4673 |
roe: | 12.3818 |
roa: | 3.0543 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -45.3613 |
revenuesGrowth: | -2.0908 |
taxExpenseRate: | 28.7985 |
equityTurnover: | 1.4283 |
epsBasic: | 2.7600 |
epsDiluted: | 2.7500 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -45.4545 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.6594 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.2295 |
dividendYield: | 6.9894 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 |
marketCap: | 158501071101.1000 |
earningsYield: | 7.3210 |
pegRatio: | -0.3005 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.6360 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.6898 |
dividendsPerShare: | 2.6350 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 13.6474 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 14.4493 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4741 |
dividendYield: | 6.6073 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 |
marketCap: | 167879895647.6000 |
earningsYield: | 6.9208 |
pegRatio: | -0.3179 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3104 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7875 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 14.4366 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |