Verizon Communications Inc. ist ein weltweit führender Telekommunikationsanbieter in den Bereichen Mobilfunk, Internet und Festnetz. Das Unternehmen zählt zu einem der größten US-amerikanischen Mobilfunkanbieter, mit rund 100 Millionen Kunden allein auf dem amerikanischen Mobilfunkmarkt. Das Angebotsspektrum umfasst hier mobile Kommunikationsprodukte und Datendienste für Privat- und Geschäftskunden sowie den Verkauf der entsprechenden Geräte und Accessoires wie Headsets, Bluetooth, Displayschutzhüllen und Akkus. Im Gerätebereich vertreibt das Unternehmen Handys, Smartphones, Tablet-PCs, USB-Modems und Netbooks aller großen Marken wie Apple, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, LG und Motorola. Der Festnetzmarkt als zweites Standbein des Unternehmens wird mit Telekommunikationsleistungen wie Festnetz-Telefonie, Internetzugängen, Breitband-Video und Datenstreaming und Dienstleistungen im Netzwerk-Bereich versorgt. 2017 übernahm Verizon das operative Geschäft des Internet-Pioneers Yahoo.
endOfFinancialYear: | 31.12.2022 00:00 |
stockholderStructure: | Vanguard Group Inc (8.33%),Blackrock Inc. (8.28%),State Street Corp (4.36%),Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc (2.21%),Geode Capital Management. Llc (2.05%),Morgan Stanley (1.88%),Norges Bank (1.19%),Northern Trust Corp (1%) |
sharesOutstanding: | 4209626270.0000 |
ceo: | Hans Vestberg |
board: | Tony Skiadas, Sowmyanarayan Sampath, Kyle Malady, Craig Silliman, Samantha Hammock, Rose Stuckey Kirk, Joe Russo, Vandana Venkatesh, Stacy Sharpe, Leslie Berland |
supervisoryBoard: | Hans Vestberg, Carol B. Tomé, Clarence Otis, Jr., Daniel H. Schulman, Gregory G. Weaver, Laxman Narasimhan, Mark T. Bertolini, Melanie L. Healey, Rodney E. Slater, Roxanne S. Austin, Shellye L. Archambeau, Vittorio Colao |
countryID: | 20 |
freeFloat: | 85.4000 |
faceValue: | 0.1000 |
faceValueCurrencyID: | 4 |
faceValueCurrency: | USD |
sectorName: | Mobilnetz |
industryName: | Telekommunikation |
country: | USA |
countryName: | USA |
name: | Brady Connor |
email: | |
irWebSite: | |
street: | 1095 Avenue of the Americas |
city: | New York, New York 10036, USA |
phone: | +1-212-395-1000 |
webSite: | |
email: | |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 | cash: | 2921.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 366596.0000 | liabilities: | 283396.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 83200.0000 |
sales: | 133613.0000 | bankLoans: | 48654.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 29420.0000 | netIncome: | 22065.0000 |
cashFlow: | -19337.0000 | employees: | 118400 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2022 | cash: | 2605.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 | liabilities: | 287217.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 | cashFlow: | -50.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | cash: | 2065.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 | liabilities: | 286456.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 | totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 | incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 | cashFlow: | -614.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 | units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (kurz)
year: | 2021 |
cash: | 2921.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 366596.0000 |
liabilities: | 283396.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 83200.0000 |
sales: | 133613.0000 |
bankLoans: | 48654.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 29420.0000 |
netIncome: | 22065.0000 |
cashFlow: | -19337.0000 |
employees: | 118400 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2022 |
cash: | 2605.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 |
liabilities: | 287217.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
cashFlow: | -50.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
cash: | 2065.0000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 |
liabilities: | 286456.0000 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
cashFlow: | -614.0000 |
currencyID: | 4 |
units: | 1000000 |
currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 | cash: | 2605.0000 |
currentAssets: | 37857.0000 | fixedAssets: | 341823.0000 |
liabilities: | 50171.0000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 379680.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 | property: | 107434.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 161257.0000 | longTermInvestments: | 1071.0000 |
inventories: | 2388.0000 | accountsReceivable: | 24506.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 8750.0000 | liabilitiesTotal: | 287217.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 140676.0000 | shortTermDebt: | 9963.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1319.0000 | commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 | sales: | 136835.0000 |
depreciation: | 17099.0000 | netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
operatingResult: | 30467.0000 | incomeInterest: | -3613.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 6523.0000 | costGoodsSold: | 59133.0000 |
grossProfit: | 77702.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 492.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37141.0000 | cashFlowInvesting: | -28662.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -8529.0000 | cashFlowTotal: | -50.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 24.3529 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6292 | liquidityI: | 0.0519 |
liquidityII: | 0.5404 | netMargin: | 15.5340 |
grossMargin: | 56.7852 | cashFlowMargin: | 27.1429 |
ebitMargin: | 22.2655 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 30.5755 | preTaxROA: | 7.4460 |
roe: | 22.9887 | roa: | 5.5984 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -3.6664 | revenuesGrowth: | 2.4114 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.0731 | equityTurnover: | 1.4799 |
epsBasic: | 5.0600 | epsDiluted: | 5.0600 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -4.8872 | shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 7.7866 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4553 | dividendYield: | 6.5609 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.0156 | marketCap: | 165475387717.8000 |
earningsYield: | 12.8426 | pegRatio: | -1.5933 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.8433 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3297 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7896 | dividendsPerShare: | 2.5850 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 7.7849 | netEarningsPerShare: | 5.0611 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 | units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 | cash: | 2065.0000 |
currentAssets: | 36814.0000 | fixedAssets: | 343441.0000 |
liabilities: | 53223.0000 | totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 380255.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 | property: | 108310.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 166724.0000 | longTermInvestments: | 953.0000 |
inventories: | 2057.0000 | accountsReceivable: | 25085.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 10021.0000 | liabilitiesTotal: | 286456.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 137701.0000 | shortTermDebt: | 12973.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1369.0000 | commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 | sales: | 133974.0000 |
depreciation: | 17624.0000 | netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
operatingResult: | 22877.0000 | incomeInterest: | -5524.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 4892.0000 | costGoodsSold: | 54887.0000 |
grossProfit: | 79087.0000 | minorityInterestsProfit: | 481.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37475.0000 | cashFlowInvesting: | -23432.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -14657.0000 | cashFlowTotal: | -614.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP | equityRatio: | 24.6674 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6063 | liquidityI: | 0.0388 |
liquidityII: | 0.5101 | netMargin: | 8.6688 |
grossMargin: | 59.0316 | cashFlowMargin: | 27.9718 |
ebitMargin: | 17.0757 | ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 18.1100 | preTaxROA: | 4.4673 |
roe: | 12.3818 | roa: | 3.0543 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -45.3613 | revenuesGrowth: | -2.0908 |
taxExpenseRate: | 28.7985 | equityTurnover: | 1.4283 |
epsBasic: | 2.7600 | epsDiluted: | 2.7500 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -45.4545 | shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.6594 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.2295 | dividendYield: | 6.9894 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 | marketCap: | 158501071101.1000 |
earningsYield: | 7.3210 | pegRatio: | -0.3005 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.6360 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.6898 | dividendsPerShare: | 2.6350 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 13.6474 | netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 | priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.8913 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.3013 | dividendYield: | 6.8727 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 | marketCap: | 161397071191.8000 |
earningsYield: | 7.1987 | pegRatio: | -0.3056 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 | netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3104 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7185 | priceEarningsRatio: | 13.8791 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 | currency: | USD |
Finanzen (ausführlich)
year: | 2022 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 379680.0000 |
cash: | 2605.0000 |
currentAssets: | 37857.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 341823.0000 |
liabilities: | 50171.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 379680.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 92463.0000 |
property: | 107434.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 161257.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 1071.0000 |
inventories: | 2388.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 24506.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 8750.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 287217.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 140676.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 9963.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1319.0000 |
commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 136835.0000 |
depreciation: | 17099.0000 |
netIncome: | 21256.0000 |
operatingResult: | 30467.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -3613.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 6523.0000 |
costGoodsSold: | 59133.0000 |
grossProfit: | 77702.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 492.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37141.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -28662.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -8529.0000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -50.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 24.3529 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6292 |
liquidityI: | 0.0519 |
liquidityII: | 0.5404 |
netMargin: | 15.5340 |
grossMargin: | 56.7852 |
cashFlowMargin: | 27.1429 |
ebitMargin: | 22.2655 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 30.5755 |
preTaxROA: | 7.4460 |
roe: | 22.9887 |
roa: | 5.5984 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -3.6664 |
revenuesGrowth: | 2.4114 |
taxExpenseRate: | 23.0731 |
equityTurnover: | 1.4799 |
epsBasic: | 5.0600 |
epsDiluted: | 5.0600 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -4.8872 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 28271.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 7.7866 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.4553 |
dividendYield: | 6.5609 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.0156 |
marketCap: | 165475387717.8000 |
earningsYield: | 12.8426 |
pegRatio: | -1.5933 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.8433 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3297 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7896 |
dividendsPerShare: | 2.5850 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 7.7849 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 5.0611 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2023 |
units: | 1000000 |
balanceSheetTotal: | 380255.0000 |
cash: | 2065.0000 |
currentAssets: | 36814.0000 |
fixedAssets: | 343441.0000 |
liabilities: | 53223.0000 |
totalLiabilitiesEquity: | 380255.0000 |
totalShareholdersEquity: | 93799.0000 |
property: | 108310.0000 |
intangibleAssets: | 166724.0000 |
longTermInvestments: | 953.0000 |
inventories: | 2057.0000 |
accountsReceivable: | 25085.0000 |
accountsPayable: | 10021.0000 |
liabilitiesTotal: | 286456.0000 |
longTermDebt: | 137701.0000 |
shortTermDebt: | 12973.0000 |
minorityInterests: | 1369.0000 |
commonStock: | 429.0000 |
preferredStock: | 0.0000 |
sales: | 133974.0000 |
depreciation: | 17624.0000 |
netIncome: | 11614.0000 |
operatingResult: | 22877.0000 |
incomeInterest: | -5524.0000 |
incomeTaxes: | 4892.0000 |
costGoodsSold: | 54887.0000 |
grossProfit: | 79087.0000 |
minorityInterestsProfit: | 481.0000 |
cashFlow: | 37475.0000 |
cashFlowInvesting: | -23432.0000 |
cashFlowFinancing: | -14657.0000 |
cashFlowTotal: | -614.0000 |
accountingStandard: | US GAAP |
equityRatio: | 24.6674 |
debtEquityRatio: | 1.6063 |
liquidityI: | 0.0388 |
liquidityII: | 0.5101 |
netMargin: | 8.6688 |
grossMargin: | 59.0316 |
cashFlowMargin: | 27.9718 |
ebitMargin: | 17.0757 |
ebitdaMargin: | 0.0000 |
preTaxROE: | 18.1100 |
preTaxROA: | 4.4673 |
roe: | 12.3818 |
roa: | 3.0543 |
netIncomeGrowth: | -45.3613 |
revenuesGrowth: | -2.0908 |
taxExpenseRate: | 28.7985 |
equityTurnover: | 1.4283 |
epsBasic: | 2.7600 |
epsDiluted: | 2.7500 |
epsBasicGrowth: | -45.4545 |
shareCapital: | 429.0000 |
incomeBeforeTaxes: | 16987.0000 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.6594 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.2295 |
dividendYield: | 6.9894 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 |
marketCap: | 158501071101.1000 |
earningsYield: | 7.3210 |
pegRatio: | -0.3005 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.6360 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.6898 |
dividendsPerShare: | 2.6350 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 13.6474 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |
year: | 2024 |
priceEarningsRatioCompany: | 13.8913 |
priceCashFlowRatio: | 4.3013 |
dividendYield: | 6.8727 |
bookValuePerShare: | 22.3104 |
marketCap: | 161397071191.8000 |
earningsYield: | 7.1987 |
pegRatio: | -0.3056 |
cashFlowPerShare: | 8.9136 |
netAssetsPerShare: | 22.3104 |
priceBookValueRatio: | 1.7185 |
priceEarningsRatio: | 13.8791 |
netEarningsPerShare: | 2.7624 |
currency: | USD |